


6 years, 8 months ago




Upon the world of Nû surrounds the domain of Amigaelé, world spirit of Nû and former lover of the golden tree soul. She has created the world of Nû, a perfect marble made for a world and her little golden plant – a Heartstone which one day could hatch. The kind and benevolent onlooker upon the world, Amigaelé is the sole Gaia and projenator of the world. A world where the ‘Nû’ dragons live upon. The planet at the center of Leuaseia is the pinnacle of the universe, the planet and all her stars – of which some are her Albinos and her..11 angels. Behold Amigaelé. Pinnacle goddess and gaia of Nû. She watches over a world in shambles awaiting for the fateful day. The day when all the angels would cry in harmony. 

Amigaelé is giant. She dwarfs the planet of Nû many many times over. And yet at the same time, her being - her essence is almost ethereal. Intangible. Unseen. A shadow which could only be cast in the presence of angels...and certain mortal gods. To her, the world of Nû is but a playground, a scenery, a story. She is the mother of it and she watches over it. Very protectively. Gazing and wondering over the world below, it is seldom that the Gaia heeds to intervene in worldly actions. Knowing that the consequences...all of it, would jeapardize the first coming. The Millenia Child. Little less timid is her actions as for millions perhaps billions of years has she waited for this to happen. The fateful day. Yet at the confines of her mind, she still recalls distant memories of the past. A Pledge which she made to never change, or let affect her.

In IIarus’ literature, it was believed that world spirit Amigaelé would bare three offsprings to the world, one of which who would become the anti-savior. A soul which could be born from a plant, a rock, or water itself. In ancient scriptures of IIarus - the Millenia fruit would lead to the path to immortality. and bind fate into one. A fruit sought after by countless empires, demigods and sons. The careful Waldgeist protects. The second Offspring though... would be-



This is an excerpt from the book:  Aegurathi Dragons.The Comprehensive Guide Vol. A by J.L Metie .tba 2018




Character Role in Storyunknown___undecided_affliation_by_metie-

Narrator. Thinly Veiled Antagonist?