Godking Aries



7 years, 26 days ago



Nothing strikes more fear to the heart than to learn that Aries - leader of the firedragons, has his presence and foothold upon the nation. It is no lie that the instance his owerpowering aura is felt - everything would bow and buckle. A fear which strikes directly to the bone, heart and soul. Just imagine a presense so powerful that it defeats you from a hundred miles away. A presense so overpowering that you simply feel weak, regardless of who you are. That is Aries, so called heir to the throne, Godking of Flames. Anything he lays claim on...almost instantly becomes his, no quarrel, no bicker, barely any resistance. To even think that anyone, ANYONE could or even would go against such an Elementaris is akin to them wishing to commit suicide. Being the leader of the firedragons has its implications. Least to speak - the strongest most unchallenged group in all of Nû. Unhindered on all fronts. Unhinged. A group so detached that not even the Centerpiece or Sun Dragons wishes to supress with it. That alone says a lot about itself.

Where meeting one of the Fire dragons bring uttermost fear. Meeting Aries is doom. Swathes of lands would be gone, charred, dissipated in his wake. At the best - what remains becomes consolidated in some perverse way to his empire. There is nowhere else to go but submit. bow. hope for the best. Something which the leader does not take wary of. Always fall into his line. Even if you belong to the oppositional group. No martyr escapes his grasp. Do not ever in the life of yours attempt to be in his most guarded presence.

Despite being the most powerful force upon the world. Aries remains lonely in his tent. A temperamental and recluse leader. Disliking all contact, and the whimsical plays he calls his massive egendom; his empire. gazing outwards to the world which often burns in his wake. His eyes sometimes would stay completely still. We never know what face he bares when he does so. What emotions which run through him. To tread into his calm is even deadly to his very own generals. The silence of the world brings peace to his mind, and with that - his eagre to continue. Nobody knows the true extent of his powers. -But in legends, it is said that his powers far precedes the faithfulhood to his previous predecessors. An inescapable aura of flames which can..raze the entire world if he tried. Wrench gods out of their thrones. Twist and defy the laws of physics itself. An unimaginable power. A secret best kept hidden. Unused.

Aries keeps a close consort often in earshot of his meditations. A fire general called Tos. Possibly the only character who he lets directly speak to him. It is also worth noting that Firewing's wings and enamel(horns, teeth, claws) are made of pure flame, or fire. He refuses to wear armor and proudly bares his battlescars, yet still , unharmable, seemingly immortal to anyone below him.

ENTP -  - Sumezia - 3040yrs.

Relevant characters 

Huolang     Vovi     Tos     Ensiquorlium    Snowcomb

Ͼ Abilities Ͽ



(h). One of Aries main abilities which is often feared by all dragons - especially so even Firedragons themselves. This is an ability called Helios-sing which weaves small molten suns everywhere around him. which give off an endless heatburst of waves.

Scion of the last God of Fire. And the only true Bloodline left connected to the god of Fire himself. Aries wields a transcendent power to control all and any flame in existence.  His potential was limitless. Baring the idol and icon of all firedragons, the powerful godking was not to be overlooked. Aurorae floods his presence, as it would. Radiation and charged particles would  rush by him in rings of his furor or simple presence. you could see the  aurorae yourself, gutting the air, the wind and the ground.

ѧ Fire ѧ 

Little is required to say this. As the heir and Scion of the firegod himself posseses ALL ability and ALL control   of anything which is in combustion. His calling trigger, his tera will   set anything alight. At whatever temperature his wills do. His call? A   warcry which will blast the air like a shockwave, setting anything   around him on fire yet at the same time all that he did was a large   exhale of air. His power immediatly converges in the sky. And can in  any  moment ignite flames of seemingly trillion magnitudes. The flames  would  look almost rainbow colored. Every color in the spectrum to even  more  and even less. Colors like Silver, Black, Neon green, Negative are  also  seen. Combinations semingly impossible in real life is made true.  His  aura expands and envelopes. and even at its weakest will set  anything  aflame nearby him. Only the most sturdy and fireproof will  survive. In  his umbrah, not even his own Generals can withstand the  searing million  degree heat. Some call it the Hagedorn. and so it is. The Hagedorn is the highest possible temperature a universe and reality itself can   have. It is the infinite of temperature and heat. The movement in his   fusion and he can do that with the call of a tera. This is an extremely   small but terrifying rage of flames which will vapourize anything down   to it's quantum components (think of a neutron star blast at point  blank  range). In default, whenever Aries spits fire  which  changes color nonstop to every color of the rainbow. The only  other  instance of this supposedly happening in this story was during The Millenia Child's birth, where the plant of which he was born from was envelopped briefly in rainbow flames.

ѧ Heir : God of Fire ѧ 

There are honestly way too much abilities which Aries would inherit from the firegod originally himself. this is simple, due to a fact that firegod controls every and all of its element. It can create and /or   manipulate existing elements of its type. It is omnipotent in that  power  and is 100% resistant to its presence. The power can be used in  any  shape or way depending on the talent of the weaver itself. The  reason  that Aries is a Scion, and descendent under the   bloodline is a fact and purpose that his power is almost unmatched   compared to other Firedragons, whom were probably descendants of   different angels. or by Prometheus organ (the flame organ).

ѧ Aurorae ѧ 

The abilities of Aries is completely dithered in magnetism even though he is not of that  affinity, the world seemed to have an affinity to him as such. Being  such an extramortal being. Aries is often kept unhinged to the environment around him. His absolute potential stored within him...would cause Auroraes all over the landscape around him, sometimes for miles and miles. Just a  blatant display of daylight aurorae or aurorae at night. A strange  feature which can be seen hovering lightly over the ground, just like  northern lights but on a ground level. One of the reason Chronicle 1 is called Halo Bells Aurorae lends to the fact that Aurorae (act 3) is when Firewings makes his first appearance. 

ѧ Special : Rainbow Skyfire ѧ 

The most known power of Aries is the wake of his is rainbow flames, which arcs like both lightning  and flames in midair - a burning arc so its famously called. Would  completely fill the sky like a rainbow. And burn down at anything and  Anyone he chooses to target. Surgically precise, his Rainbow flames will  strip anything with pinpoint precision, evading anything else. However  at his calling, the entire sky would be filled with rainbow flames.  Arcing and eventually collapsing as if the sky itself would fall. The  atmosphere would combust. Aries often uses this ability  to completely cordon off entire nations or cities. Filling the sky with  flames and slowly yield the city by inching the flames closer and  closer until there is no room left and everything inside its radius is  cooked alive.

ѧ Passive : Residue Effect ѧ 

With the powerful flames of fire, Aries would in many cases cause unwanted fusions, fissions...well anything.  Atoms would be falling apart in his wake, his flames would burn through  things normally unburnable. The air will be a nasty vapour of deadly  chemicals and pollution. Nuclear Fallout and Cobalt contamination is not uncommon in the wake of Aries manipulations. These clouds would be carried afar and wide from the  world. Carried to places otherwise untouched. Leaving a trail of death  and misalignment to wildlife and permanent scarring to all kinds of  dragons. not many dragons are capable of causing residue effects as  strong as Aries, this is mostly due to the bloodline pact.

ѧ Shattered Scissor Blade ѧ 

The Scion of the Firegod; Aries himself bares only one physical weapon: The Shattered Scissor. Though its uses are way limited compared to his abilities. Aries seems to carry this duo pair of blades ceremonially to battles. Even  going as far as using it. against enemies. As its name suggests, the Scissor Blade acts as both two independent weapons and at the same time as one combined weapon. Which Aries often uses to instantly bisect enemies or nearby obstructions (rocks, trees, structures). Fitting for his strength, Aries can always funnel his full power to the blade whenever he feels like it  As it was crafted not to melt under most circumstances for normal  firedragons, Aries is careful to never hurt the blade.  Citing simply that he has intrinsic connections to it and its past. The  history of this blade is a known reverie. A story which I will return to  later.



(h). The Shattered Scissor used to be one blade, but however after a prominent accident - Aries has had it repurposed into two adjoined blades instead. calling it 'The Shattered Scissor'.

The Burden of The Godking Leader

Arisen Before The Hall of Flames34933217_swGSB0vvNdSQkA9.png[click image above for music]

grace_of_the_firewing_by_metie-dbrazql.p(a). Associates and generals of the Higher order of Firedragons assemble during the Congress of Firewings. As they speak before Aries discussing plans about the future of the largest and most powerful empire in the world of Nû

The Grand Elementaris Empire of Fire. The reaches of his powers are seemingly beyond that of any other group or govourning figures of Nû. The odious and terrifying group of dragons gather before the mighty character they recognise as Godking of Flames. Their thoughts empty and focused, for when he instills his wrath, life and blood will be shed. Incubating the iron stranglehold the so called Fire dragon empire has upon its territories spanning a large swathe of the world, the Inner circle of Fire dragons would often meet and discuss their plans of action. Each a different theatre, sometimes more then others. The generals acting on behalf of the Fire King are resolute to his orders right to the end. His plan? Peace through Subjugation, Solidarity through war. Everybody must meet standards. Everyone must carry out their deed, nomatter how evil it is. In moments like this he sees with eagle eyes. Focused on the finale - his voice booms and reigns around the massive attrium, instilling even fear amongst the ungodly. Fear amongst the most wretched and evil characters that the Firedragons are notorious to be. Only then does he don his royal horns, his flames...burning in a million colors, from red to lilac, and to every color there'on invisible to the naked eye. His massive flame arcs and tethers around the backdrop of his great palladium and tungsten gold throne. The gentle court lays in silence where all is but the cackling of flames, and the resolute words the Fire king himself speak. This empire, This nation, This group, This diety, This foe...Anything, anything he speaks of is a target of war, subjugation or execution. Simple words which Every general and their lieutennant heeds. Each dragon which more powerful then everyone below, their unending agendas are quickly solved by the king himself. Brutal action. Brutal Action, through demonstration, through evocation, and aptitude. Aries would preach.

Blessed upon by the angels of his predecessors and the bloodline of the passed god, the concept of Fire itself. His power is amplified, coursing through him like a burning sun, seething through his eyes, and aura. Dampening any force which dare or happen upon his sight. The extremely powerful subjugating aura demands the most loyal attention hereby everyone before his court itself. Metal buckles before his weight as for every word he speaks, the ground expands or retracts from heat. Crackling, crackling anywhere and turning to molt and char where the land cannot hold. The leader is the most awesome feared of them all. 

They say that his mind is full of evil, and that for every genocide a general carries out - his underlings will do tenfolds more. The power, the essence and affinity which courses through his veins, courses through everyone within the firedragons. Demands its own perverse tragic, its own twisted roam. And especially those indoctrinated under the Fire Elementaris. Aries is him; Aries the first Scion and currently last Scion left. Carrying over the heavy ideals from the previous lord of flames, and the responsibility of an original tribalistic empire. They say his mind is full of evil and those under him are unspeakable henchmen of the anti-god himself. Everyone in the world seems to know their extent, the power of them to damage nations, continents, empires. Dragons. The leader of flames ushers no relent. Each of his generals, each of the members of the fire Elementaris is to be the h ighest blessing of their affinity under their own bloody bloodlines. Meshed through centuries, millenia and perhaps more then three thousand years, has Aries ruled stark. His iron grip seemed to never betray him, and his generals - perenhial relics which like him - have grown incredibly powerful through time. Undefeatable, and as some might say - even immortal to their standards. Their underlings, even the most simple army fodder, are known to be capable of wiping out entire towns or cities completely Solo. Many posessing abilities to wipe out entire nations all at once. The Firedragons? they show no concern. Their abilities are relentless and...blessed by the Scion of the firegod himself - they will proceed with all the odious tasks, all the deeds required to make the empire of flames a global thing.

The new world order. The new reign of Elementaris, or as some say - the classical elements. Aries has gathered definitely many of the most prominent and powerful members of dragonkind or even dieties upon his massive massive assembly of flames. And the armies their lieutennants / generals or the inner circle control. A grand symphony set into play by the great Fire 'Godking' himself as they say. A Plan to bring world order through dominion and a war to end all disputes. An iron foothold to make the world of Nû, defended the prominent world of dragons of flame. Firebreathers, dragons, mortals. Elementals alike. as Aries himself says , will one day inherit the world -  every dragon a firebreather. And every odd element or affinity will stop existing. The balance of nature will be restored and the most powerful and strangest affinities, dragon groups, nations, anything against the law of Elementaris...banished into the void where they once came from. Encompassing at least 33% of the world hemisphere and engulfing nation by nation per day. The force of the Firedragons have been advancing for centuries and it doesn't seem like it will stop. The iron foothold of Aries will forever stay strong. Until the day the Elementaris is achieved, and all sins pardoned - The firedragons will disband and live like commoners amongst the world.

The truth as it stands is far from so however. In their bid to eliminate and expand, nations have been left in wrathe and pieces. Razed to the ground with Genocides happening on a daily basis. The fire godking counts. Nations reduced to ashes, lives turned to dust. All but a massive sacrifice, a step required to relinquish control from the world as it is. The generals. The generals are remoreseless, and so are their underlings and the chain of command. Kill on sight. Remove the lepers, refuse to fade. Through extortion, mass murder, pillaging and rape. The firedragons spread their terrible influence across the world. Silencing, silencing those whom oppose. Restoring and protecting emporiums which benefit or fall into the rule of Elementaris alone. The empires of the likes of, Ice, Earth, Metal, Air, Lightning, Versimilitude, Aera, Oil, Water, etcetera are left alone. Yet in their wake, thousands and thousands of smaller affinity groups are wiped clean off the earth. Ruthless, the species of Atlasdragons or Wyrms or Zou - other intelligent creatures are wiped along in the process. Citing the impurity of blood and spirit. The anchors to the astral worlds are wiped, citing athiesm and the false practice of worshipping the wrong prophets, the wrong gods. The influence of the Firedragons shed fear upon all those nation whom are left. Though he says so, it is unknown as to whether the generals and their odious acts are acts from their own Volition or acts under direct order of the Godking himself. 


The Cost of Leadership


(b). Lonely he sits. In an empty room where others do not reach.

Stuck in reminisce of the empty room dusty mist. He sits. Our main antagonist of the story, Chronicle 1. His glaring aurorae casts a strange symptom across the room, his eyes stuck in half  empty - coalesced in focus at the wall. Our dear Godking Aries sits. His gaze, empty like the sun, unmoving reminiscing, unmoving, reminiscing. Beyond the grand attrium which his architects so built for him, so perfect pristine - overwhelming and powerful. Our leader does not bask in that. He has a room stowed away on the side, a most unexpected size, a pale and almost empty octagon room...filled with nothing but a table - a scroll, a blade, two cloth, one small throne and a gigantic mantlepiece - a carpet like illustration donned in gold and reds. With the symbolic symbols of the flame. Etched down with the simple trinkets which balanced on the two horns mid down. Lonely does he sit, in an empty room - far from the reach of others. Cordoned off from the main attrium itself. the leader of flames remains - almost awake but still, day to night - he never sleeps. Just gazing, as the odious and terrible leader does so deserve. Empty and barren, he has been sitting in this room for years. Upon campaigns, he dons the equipment. Having exactly the same setup as this in his war-tent and situation room. one small table which he can barely reach - a scroll, two cloth and one throne. Glaring aurorae, dark presence. The murky eyes of the leader and his presence remains in constant dark. His back facing the door as his most loyal servant - TOS - General of the Red Flames watches in silence. A strange king he is, as he does not interact with anyone else but TOS during times outside of the attrium - the attrium he barely assembles in.


(c). The Loyal guardian, TOS bows behind Aries as he sits daily, and quietly, reminiscing upon the mantlepiece tarp and the adornments below it.

The gaze is bleak and at times TOS is unsure what the expression on the face of his leader means. The leader of flames rarely moves, but his breathing strums the room. He sees him blink, but at the same time his maw would part just a bit at most. Then nothing. No sound. Nothing. He just observes the strange tarp and mantlepiece before him. A carpet seemingly too captivating even for the Fire leader himself. The expression of a serial killer, the one responsible for world wars, world genocides and the endless destruction his plan consequences to. His gaze is bleak, his eyes affixed. Sometimes his expression changes. But when it happens, it's almost as if you could hear it. An expression that not even his innermost guardian can explain. What looks like a grimace but at the same time a calm face- mixed in with the fogged eyes and blatant jaws of his, balancing ontop of eachother gritting a bit. Then otherwise, glazed eyes with a bit of tears but in no-way in any understandable fashion any emotion or expression he had ever seen. Something so unique...so strange... and sometimes... so beautiful. All whilst the leader gazes at the royal mantlepiece carpet. What is it he feels. What is it that is so captivating. It was his comfort. It was his sanctuary. A dusty, untouched sanctuary which has been so for seemingly thousands of years.

Why does our leader stay in such a small delapidated and empty room? When he has the whole world - the most beautiful attriums, and cathedrals and churches and domes and courtyards and Arenas...Why he chooses here. is unknown. He is not the type either you should start questioning. 

The footsteps grows louder.


Rage and Furor


(d). The Anger. The anger trapped within.

The grimacing was not a good sign. despite the echoes I hear in the background growing louder and louder - I think from the Attrium. I could feel his Aura flare up. It was not good. It did not feel right. Aries is nearing one of his episodes again, I will and must loyally abide... 

The leader grimaced and his fangs bare, lips curled. The looming aurae felt across the room. and soon, like butterflies in the stomach I could hear him close to his breaking point. So so soon. I hear his teeth grit, his cloaked paws ball up into fits. Its claws scratching, awwkardly skewering in the ground - I could hear flakes of rock being chalked off, the sound of enamel clawing into rock - the worst there is. An extremely low pitched growl faded the room and dispersed more dust - blowing it off from the dusty table before him and the artifacts there - which seemed to lay in decadence and untouch. His breathing hastened and soon it sounded like hyperventilation.

Delinating the scene I start to hear the cloth he wore shift, he was moving. He was moving! In such a wrong time, in such a wrong instance too. The Irrate leader growled. As if the weight of t he world suddenly dawned upon his shoulder, and he should become the Atlas of the world. He was never the type to deal with it well. Especially when it was good news. Especially when it was directed at the world before him. How dare someone come at my moment of peace and quiet. The large drake quarreled, the large drake being the godking of flames. How dare at such a time. How dare now!!!

I heard...claws dig into the ground more, this time with extreme precision. My leader turned around but I kept bowing. 

In the distance from the underground distance. From the glimpse of my eye (my blade) I catch the sight of Ensiquorlium pacing towards the menial and dilapidated room which Firewings calls his throne. His rifle looped over his shoulder jutting in loose metal as even him - trying to be subtle was enough to rage the leader. 

Aries Stood Up.

This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. But i know my ettiquette. Bow and keep bowing. For now all that remained was for me to be still, ignore the pleas and probably cries which will echo. Soon. Very soon. My hands do not permit me for I do not have hands anymore, neither do the eyes on my head permit me to see as well - I see through my blades. Last when I went offscript. Firewings he...

Leader Precious great one godem suprem! I have good news. The front of mine is a success - Bowshock and I managed to repell and annex the [Spoiler] Nation of Giellé and Novi Sceurna Has been razed... The nation is no more, the territories are in our hands now. Our Recruits did well, and with little supervision - they have nobody left. Zanzir and Combusticus also reported from their fronts. Hassan from his and Bazen and the Invisible General has reported. I also heard from Resolv about the southern front. The fronts are a success, we have claimed all of the peninsula and the ocean around it. 

How Many.

Leader what do you mean? Our campaign was a-

STATS. How many lives did we take???

 Tell me. Numbers. 


Leader. 1,750,220 last cencus check. some had fled. I will take care of them.



(e). Tables tilted and his arms flung, furniture everywhere. Shattering anything that came to touch against his body or cape. His strength was unreal, not to mention his aura.

Glass broke The world around me shattered. Relics tossed of the past shattered and urns of ashes spilled into the air, making a damp musk and an ugly smell. The leader rampaged past the precious golden and decorated artifacts lining the room outside his small temple. And soon...his rage would become unchecked. I heard roars. Aries was NOT happy about the results. More dust filled the already dusty air. My nose pressed against the dusty ground and I knew I was forced to bow, forced to suck all the dirt and dust through my nostril. Ensiquorlium made a mistake. He confronted the general directly. They should've gone through me. He made a mistake. This one will be costly. 

Electricity in the air, and magnetism skewed astray. The room filled immediatly with flames and I was forced to keep my nose low so I could at least breathe. Flames of every color, red to yellow, blue to green, purple to black, turquoise to silver, white to orange. The little dragon was slung against the ground.


(f). Though in a warzone a lieutennant or general would usually be able to overpower anything - even dieties. Before Aries, they are nothing. The limp and half beat to death body of Ensiquorlium lay strangled in the angered paw of Aries himself. The godking did not relent and continued beating the Lieutennant up. Blood. Blood. Any further and he would've killed him. I would not be surprised. I have seen Aries kill many of his Generals before. All for simple things such as stepping out of line.

Aries balled his fist up and immediatly I heard the crunch of bones as he devastated at the Lieutennant. Ensiquorlium. Ripping his fur off, and his flames, burning into his body. His fist balled up again as he descended in his punch or sock. The same force but more, which sent the furnitures shattering towards every direction. Right into the poort Lieutennants body. Aries never took losses of anything lightly. Be it either the loss of life or the ones whom Ensiquorlium claimed had fled. Aries did not allow it. His punches threw as soon, blood splattered the ground - This dragon was a tyrian blood, and so the ground became lilac with his drps of blood. His muffled moans of pains were held back. The lieutennant seemed to know. But ofcourse to the absolute authority, he had no choice but to announce it. Just by chance. Today was a bad day. Flashes


(g). The eyes saw nothing but the vision of the Burning Bush

Flashbacks slaughtered and filled the mind of the Godking of Fire, in the midst of his rage he saw flashes. Instances to the burning bush. Flashes of rage tilted with extreme linger and sober of emotions. All of them, all at once. He saw red. Then the burning bush. He saw it with his eyes. His hands lost all power as soon he let go of his own Lieutennant, almost beaten to death and bleeding. Aries let go suddenly as he attempted to gaze at his hands. This was one of those narcoleptic forced daydreams he would have. Where all he saw was the burning bush. A hallucination so strong and unexplainable. He felt so weak before it. he threw the defeated general aside. A bad day is all it took for Aries to flare up like this. To fall into such a stupor he did not care an inch whether his subordinate died or not. 

GET OUT!!!!! - The leader, the godking bawled. 

The sound transcended my ears for a moment, as tables came crashing. and a muffled thud. and soon... It was over.

...I remember now... I remember why I have to bow during this ordeal, I remember why I had to keep silent. This is my subordination, this is where I belong. I still remember what he did. I remember now...Aries; His fingers dug into my eyes, his face was irrate, he exploded in rage. I wronged him, I went slightly off script. From nothing to almost infinite seething. His claws dug so hard and deep into my head I could feel my eyes almost pop. My skull cracked. My eyes gave in. I bled for days. and soon...My eyes were useless. I was blind. It could've been me today.

Spotlight: Aries

The Famine Which Never Ended


[Click above for Music]

In the legends. There was the land of Sumezia, where the droughts lasted forever, where firedragons were banished and. Here was the story of a nation where the hunger never ended, and the sons and daughters of the banished were forever damned for existing. Once upon a time in history, Panaethon ; God of Fire and his exiled angels were shunned away from the world. Destined to die. Their mercy for dragonkind was overshadowed by the greed and hatred the world; unkowing to them harbored. Trapped in the extremes of which the greybirds of Novi Sceurna once sealed them away, The bitter feelings of abandonment, and the wrath and anger against dragonkind grew amongst those Firedragons whom lived. This is the story of Aries. This is the story of the birth of the Fire Elementaris


(h). It was around 1 months old when he learned to spit flames. But in the most perculiar places too. The flames would well up from his eyes and his nose, from his horns and forehead and sometimes his hand. Aries eventually became a local legend. and myth.

Born amidst the Sumezia droughts which plagued the world centuries and centuries ago, an unknown hatchling called Aries was brought up by the last predecessors of the original Firedragons. The hatchling was stump short small. There was not much to say. Immediatly indoctrinated. As soon as Aries was born, he was given his name 'Firewings', and a permanent collar around his neck that would proclaim his ascendency as an aspiring Firedragon Scion. However as times were harsh during the Sumezia droughts, very few would survive. The drought brought a famine which would soon extinguish all of it and its nearby nations devoid of life. This being near the equator of the world. In his childhood, Aries suffered a lot of hardship as the mythical and religious buildup around and against him turned harshly. He was thrown off a cliff when he was around 4 months old due to the religites seeing him as a heretic, a false god. Though they were eventually driven out of Sumezia by the majority vote. The scars they left would become permanent on the hatchling, and something which he; Aries would begrudgingly bring with him for the rest of his life. In full truthfulness, Aries was not seen as a formidable character in common areas such as education or physical performances. Citing that he did not have the agility of a runner nor the intelligence of a mathematician. What they failed to account for was the raw strength which even at an age llike him - the draconet had in him. Bend metal with his fists, break walls with his headbutts. etc. This was all a secret. All of it was, He kept things secret often. All of it started since he was 4 months old and the accident which left him scarred. The fact that he was chastisized for his 'size' and gluttony, -underperformance in ability based tasks would haunt yet motivate him off a different path. They called him a firedragon, but he saw himself as a bit more, a bit different. He took things for fact, and his self confidence wasn't the brightest either.

*Note: Sumezia is a city which is many thousands of years old. It was a large bumbling Ziggurat before its time came. In the current day story. Sumezia is but a long distant relic and rubble, as much as the stonehenge is to us - modern humans today. It seems that only very very few dragons could outlive such long times as these.


(h). Aries recieves his first blade. titled 'Fang of Scion'. Something that was just too coincidentally prophetic. (Edit: It is worth noting that Aries has never known about his bloodline or his history or the fact he was a Scion)

At a ripe age of adolescence. Aries joined the local firedragons in an insurgency against the Warbird faction. Unknowing who he would act under and what forces he came to play. The fire drake saw his opportunity and instead of -manipulating the flame, tried to hone his ability in physical strengths; in his case - the art of heavy swords. He gained his first weapon during the skirmish of Whandu. He was more competent and with the reception of his blade ( a very simple single-issue metalgrass), he would begin his journey into the arts of physical combat. Aries refused to use his flames. Aries refused to let his rage seep out of him. He made sure to make everything physical.  And thus the blade grew close to him. Back then, things were more simpler- more harsh. The firedragons could barely contain or find too much meaningful use in their abilities of flame weaving, The were...tribal. at best. Firewings though, preferred to do things more old fashioned and engaged in combat close up instead. Never at any moment using his flames. Through his extreme mobility and tactical prowess. Aries quickly earned himself a seat in junior command, and eventually through many valiant tasks- recieved notable medals of honor which he bared on him often.


The Promotion The Ascendence 


(h).Fate was a lottery. And through every conflict, every situation every day. Comes the chance of the worst happening. Through longetivity, through age and the fact that we as dragons could live hundreds of years, comes even greater and greater chance we are hurt, maimed, wounded. Decommissioned. Buried.

Growing older, the south had yet again plunged into a plague of disease and famine. The war against the Warbird Faction has long since been over. And the firedragon local tribes eventually remade contact with the Firedragon elementals beyond the nation. Barely were any help recieved as immediatly, the hundreds and perhaps thousands of enemies the Fire Empire made beforehand would quickly engulf upon the territories of Whandu and eventually Wuhon. Aries and the remaining forces were forced into deep famine and years often on barely any rations at all. Starving whilst fighting to stay alive. Firewings would soon learn that Simple physical combat was never enough. It was okay, The times were harsh, but by then Aries has already risen and risen through the ranks. Perhaps, perhaps this was it. The grand momenta, the opportunity to show his prowess. The group was near from winning the fronts. Of course, firedragons they were - Their presense was but overpowering to the locals and the local insurgency.

A blast scaved through and soon glazed his eyes through the lip of his forehead. It was a cheat. It was a cheat! It cut deep. and soon the junior commander was left in tears crying out in pain as the wound forever scarred his face. Nobody could have caused this, It was all artificial.Taking out what he believed was his right eye, and grieviously wounding his left. The Scion of Fire would be left with little choice but rely on his abilities of flame to stay alive (ailities which haven't been used in decades - now barely mastered). The days have been tense, and the dragons have been faltering one by one. Even Aries himself has lost so much weight that only the skeletal outline of him remained.

Another scarring blow broke his blade from the top. and soon Aries felt helpless. But he refused to give in. Especially as his honor did not allow such. But alas, the eye seemed lost. His blade was broken, his pride was scarred. His pride was scarred. That was the worst.

The firedragon burst into flames, and suddenly in every color his flares would tear into the air. The pure immensity of this proportion was never seen before. And those...those who knew Aries could weave flames? Those people were long exiled or passed. The new generation, the new generals and his lieutenants gazed in disbelief as the Furor of the firedrake Aries pummeled into the air. Siezing, and wresting control. Dominance. And domain over all the adversaries flying in the air. Bladetip broken, all he cared for was his neutered self esteem.

v. the broken sword


(i). Caught in the moment, the blade crackled and split in half, as the rhombus spear pierced through it. Pinning it into the ground. Its jagged movements continued across the broken blade and soon, the land around it shattered as well. The thought of going against a metal dragon, even for firedragons was no simple task.

His battle, tensed and perhaps through an accumulation of all these years. The scars of 'Fang of Scion' started to show. I think it was the the battle against the Scepters and their 'mantissa' when the blade was shattered. Jagged and cut in half. The perpetrators did not relent. This was more, it was the most personal of matters. A rogue chainblade suddenly descended - unpredictable and unreliably. It pierced his blade. it pierced through its adamantium shell. It was no more. Caught in the moment, his rage intensified just like the present. Perhaps this was the day when his rage welled over his composition. The Petty Officer fought hard. refusing to give in. With the pieces of his blades. He derived from his army. He flew off. chasing after the perpetrator the one whom split his blade in half. It was for days perhpas the chase went on until he finally reached his destination. A charring body burnt in the soil with the chain shattered and ripped by Aries hands only. Aries veered so far off battle chasing the wounded drake that it would be days before he could return to the camp. Return to the main campaign. In that time which his division was left without any supervision. Without his guidance or leadership, they were defeated.   A severe blow to Aries campaigns and history. A black blot on the blacklist of his career. Perhaps his first. He could not accept this.

Yet at the same time he could not cope with the loss of his blade. A relic to the past of his childhood. It was left in shambles. Completely split in half. Jagged.

v. Consolence. and the Reave

A second strike against the armed faction of metaldragons transcended all remarks of his Lieutennant General, earning him even more decorations for his efforts in war. Without his blade, neutered from his combat. Aries took the battle to its heart. The homestead of the Silverfinned metaldragons. and he defeated them.

In an offer of consolence. The great General ordered his unders to forge him a new blade. A blade made of materials even unknown to dragonkind before. A Fireweaver. A shapeshifting weapon. Which like a dagger for the size of a drake as Ariescould grow hundreds of times larger then he originally is. The weapon 'the Reave'. Was offered to the drake ceremoniously. a weapon properly described by the general as a sacred tool of mass destruction.


(j). The unsaited anger of the Lieutennant of rainbow flames could not more then get insulted by his new 'gift'. As he saw, an even bigger insult to his pride, his physic and his already grieven loss.

The consolence came as a greatest insult to Aries. And quickly without a single thought of doubt. The weapon was crushed under his own hands. The sacred weapon was maimed and destroyed. He ripped into it and the ceremonial stand of which was forged out of gold and platinum. His refute of the gift lead to furor amongst the firedragons. His controversy inspired his general. The dedication of one Petty officer lieutennant and how far he would go to preserve a wounded past. His general waivered to appeal to the blacksmiths of firedragons and eventually the highest council for a method to simmer down the rage of the then bygone and irrational Aries. The general saw the unhinged anger of Aries as possibly too intimidating, too volatile, and too broken for the cause. Even him, as the fire general himself could not contain Aries anger in the campaigns happening between the loss of the 'Scion blade'.


(k).This was a sight only perhaps a hundred or so eyes would ever have seen. The capitulate the highest order. The Leader Flame of the firedragon Elementaris stood in the shadows of flames before the wounded one. The fire lord promised to repair his blade, but even more.

He sought to have his blade repaired. By the highest might. But little did he know that the highest might had other plans before him. A promotion.

Before the Furnace. At least a hundred campaigns he has fought for. All of  them but two in which he was defeated. His notability denominated. A firedragon scarred through the battles of war, but still at the same time a perfect example of a relic in time. He was called in, to finally meet the arcane, the king. The leader of all firedragons, the one they called Flame. It wasn't just him which the revelation of his rainbow flames riled. Of course moments like these are rare. One does not meet with the leading council of firedragons just like that. No general comes here to be admonished or linger. Anyone short of an inner circle firedragon would never step foot in here unless to be prosecuted or in the rare case of Aries, be promoted. He was about to be promoted. A scene seldom seen as often, Fire Lieutennants would be recognised as some of the most fiercest or merciless characters in the world. Baring powers of all kinds which would in itself wrest control over large nations. Parry one on one against some empires as well. The Introduction of the new Lieutennant and General of Rainbow flames brought confusion amongst many of the fire generals. Especially due to his excessive use of every colored flame, which was the first of its kind. (The firedragons were all seperated into their groups depending on what colored flame they spat. For every color there was a General, and there was a Lieutennant. This was a sacred rite and has since then become the common standard of the empire itself)

Raising question before question, doubt over wonder. The choice of Flame was without mistake. General Lieutennant Aries would more then enough do his job. Commandeering massive armies to wrest control, swathes and swathes of nations itself. Instead of focusing on the magnum opus of firedragons - sieze control of cities piece by piece and establish govournments. Aries told his subordinates to raze. Raze everything that was in its path, and when it was nessesary. Demand instant defeat, resignation and downstep of all nation's top powers, congress, kings and prophets. Burning lands, his power rivalled some of the generals. Zanzir, Bazen, Rain, Arctaurus. his rigid grasp inspired by all of them at once. his landgrab through sheer power and abomination of his flames did not dissapoint.

This would lead to the discovery of the true identity of Aries. His true bloodline. And the discovery of the last Scion of flames.

Upon his fifth appearance before the unknown figure known simply as Flame for his annual promotion to major lieutennant General(?). The original leader of the Firedragons - Flame. Withered, old and dying quickly discovered his disdain and distrust that one dragon they called Aries. was the one they called the Scion. Appearing before the shadowy cauldron they called The Furnace. All titles of Aries would be immediatly revoked and he was quickly banished from the kingdom of firedragon elementals. All due to the discovery that he is the only remaining Scion of the original firegod. and his fear of being replaced This is important since the original establishment of the Firedragons did not wish to be overthrown. However this was short.

(vi).The absence


(l).Was it a temporary stand. Or were they truly married. He never knew. But in that time...he felt whole.

Exiled. Exiled beyond the Fire kingdom, did Aries finally meet him. The first love he fell for. It was strange but in that time he felt whole. Having never served outside the main male-dominant legion of Firedragons under his general. His modesty and attraction could only fall for those of his same type. In the many many years of his exile, Firewings found peace and silence with his mate. They retreated to the shallowest deserts and in that time, they became whole. We don't know much about the name of his then lover, except the fact that it began with the letters 'S'. Suffering from a birth defect, the Omnirathi did not - unlike Aries hold the longetivity as he had. They lived short lives. The Omnirathi, a type of dragon species known for the single horn which stuck out of their heads - were not long living dragons. Suffering often from birth defects, they would barely reach adulthood without perishing a few years later. In actually, this would have been a dozen or so of years. However for him, the time was shorter Why this was?

The Eugenics program proclaimed by Flame of the 16th centaurian. The CET. aimed to wipe out a certain species of dragons which inhabited the natural fireflower resources - a resource important to a firedragons firebreathing abilities. The birth defect in 'S' was so severe that he barely clung to life by the time he reached adulthood. Aries could not understand. And during that time, the inncer circle of dragons Loyal To Flame made the discovery of Aries whereabouts. He was immediatly challenged to a 5 week battle. non-ending. nonstop. All in an attempt to silence the last scion, so that Flame may remain in his seat of power. Ina remarkable show of power, Aries battled Flame personally in person to person. All head on. shortening the time as much as he could, so that he could attend his lovers final days. To go against a leader of an elementaris probably meant absolute death. It could not be contested it was fact. But Aries decided that it was worth the risk. Using his newly forged blade and his newly realised powers of the rainbow flames.

Time drew, and the impossible happened. Aries unknowingly defeated them. The details of which are now but absolutely lost to the static of history. It would seem like Aries was done for good, but he refused to fade.


(l).Aries refused to fade but his partner went fast. He barely made it but he attended to her last. Aries  did not feel sorrow for his passed loved one. Like he never did. he just simply never felt sorrow. 

During the revelation, a minior angel was said to have leaked the revelation and the prophecy of the new Scion. A myth that eventually led most fire dragons to believe. A myth which would quickly overthrow all of the originally established Firedragon Leaderships and replace it with one single ruler, Aries himself. Supervised by the generals. Though unknown as to how, Flame was exiled by his own generals. Executed and so was his loyal inner circle. History would become a blur from this day on. The legacy of the Scion lived on, and he was allowed to return from his exile.

During some point in time. Almost out of nowhere. Aries unknowningly crowned himself the godking of all Fire Dragons. A strange gesture or at least a move coming from someone as honorable as Aries. pledging to build an empire out of the ashes of the previous. Aries would gain absolute power of the firedragons and absolute force and veto of influence in the group. There was no choice as it was taboo and a complete sin to go against a Scion. All the generals and beaurocrats conceded their powers to Aries. Forming the absolute monarchy that is the firedragons today. Unlike the past Aries controlled everything, he would insist on making the empire of fire into a global power of one. And so the Elementaris of Fire grew from its ashes. Soon to become the most feared and odious group fo Nû. A group known to all dragons and all species as a formidable superpower of apocalyptic dimensions.


(m). In that time, like as stated above. Aries would grow from a powerful figurehead to a lonely recluse in his own Attrium of power. Nobody knew why. It was not the passing of his loved one. For he did not feel sorrow or grieve.

spotlight end.


Character Role in Story


Main Antagonist