


2 years, 8 months ago


"Despite all this... you're still nothing more than an obtrusive obstacle."

Not a sound might hit the ears before the sight of a red entity lurking about the dark. Avoiding social contact, a protogen seeking various resources for his inventions keeps a watchful radar of his surroundings. A person of interest might have the privilege of glowing eyes flashing in the darkness, and for the rest of their time in the depths of dimly lit tunnels, feel very much watched.

What appeared red at first was in fact only a tail, and suddenly a target may find themselves presented with quite the large protogen making his presence known by blocking their path. The sparkles and glimmer of his coat is dazzling to say at the least, but his manner of handling strangers in less than impressive. Cold to the touch are his words, and even colder (with a side of scorching hot rapid speed attacks) are this fervent protogen's attacks against those that match his "enemy wanted" chart within his sketchbook. These "enemies" are actually people he's deemed useful for leading him right to documents he desired, but said one wrong statement to him that got pass his "frigid" demeanor and straight to his fiery nerves.