Guiding Courage



2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Guiding Courage




Earth Pony (mutated)




Guiding Courage is the navigator for the Fountain Group. He is an expert survivalist. 

He is capable of surviving a month without food or water, his body is even stronger than a normal earth pony's, and he has a supernatural sense of direction. These are mutations caused by living within the Lightlands. Other than these abilities, his visible mutations are his yellow pupils, forked tongue, fangs, a lizard tail, and lizard hindlegs.


Guiding is brave and often takes risks. He enjoys running off on his own to explore, but gets lonely after a while. He feels like he doesn't truly belong anywhere, so he alternates between spending time with others and traveling alone in the wilderness.

When talking to others, Guiding is blunt yet kind. He's very generous. If someone is rude to him, he simply ignores it and goes on his way.


Guiding's father was an explorer who had planned to take a short trip to the Lightlands. However, he lost his way. After wandering aimlessly for a month, he eventually ran out of supplies and was on the brink of death.

He was saved by a pony from the Fountain Group, a group of ponies native to the Lightlands. Guiding's father lacked the courage to leave the group, so he ended up living with them. He fell in love with the pony who had rescued him, and they had a child together. The mother died in childbirth.

Guiding was born with a body very similar to his father's, only with brighter-colored eyes. He grew up hearing stories from his father about the world outside. Inspired by these stories, he persuaded the group to begin traveling west to leave the Lightlands. Midway through the journey, Guiding's father fell ill and died, leaving Guiding nothing but his faded and torn scarf.

After the death, the rest of the group gave up on leaving the Lightlands. Guiding broke away from the group and went off on his own. Without the help of the group, he couldn't create food or water, so he was weak by the time he reached the edge. However, his mutated body allowed him to persevere.

Guiding spent a few years exploring the outside world. He had dreamed of seeing his father's homeland his whole life, but without his father there, those dreams felt hollow. What he really wanted was to be around other ponies again. He grew tired of being ostracized for his mutations, so he returned to the land of his birth and rejoined the Fountain Group.

He has now found new purpose in guiding the group through the Lightlands itself. He acts as a scout and a living map. Though he interacts with the other ponies in the group, the only one he regularly talks to is Dream Seer, the only other pony who has been outside the Lightlands. As she also doesn't quite fit in with the group, Guiding feels kinship with her.