◊ Mehit Ashvetia ◊'s Literatures

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

Preferred audience age: 14+

The book contains written scenes of: fights with detailed descriptions of injuries; physical and emotional abuse; death of a character; swear words; self-harm; substance abuse; non-explicit sexual content; descriptions of severe breakdowns/splitting/psychotic episodes.

A story about a long life journey of a cat racvine Mehit, whose fate revolves around family conflicts, searching for the meaning of life and trying to find the happiness while dealing with serious mental health issues. With the main obstacle being her younger step-brother Peksy who gets all the mother's love and attention. A life-lasting enmity has its consequences, and it's up to them to figure it out and make peace.

Genre: drama/fantasy - Language: Russian (might do Eng vers in future)