◊ Mehit Ashvetia ◊



2 years, 9 months ago


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―――-◊ Merrehit (Mehit) Ashvetia ◊-―――

◊ AGE ◊

21 (born on May 7th, 2006)


racvine (daemonium pictus)


genet + mainecoon cat


cis female (she/her)


demirom. cupiosexual lesbian




Ember Lumen

◊ SIGN ◊

☉ Taurus, ☽ Virgo, ⤴ Aquarius


5 ft 7 in | 170 cm


121 lbs | 55 kg



◊ ROLE ◊

the main character





You know what? Since the day we met, it felt as if something new has sparked in me, something I haven't touched in years. You gave me the emotions I've been craving for so long, I think I didn't even know who I actually was this whole time. I didn't even pay attention to what I really wanted in my life, and just kept clinging to these people who claimed they know me better than I know MYSELF! All they did is gaslit me into believing the things I don't consider true, they KILLED my identity and took away that passion and curiosity, thinking it would finally change me into a "better" person. But the only thing it has led to is making me so embittered and enraged at myself and all the people around me - Mehit to Shinx during a deep conversation.

Mehit is a female feline of a rather tall height and an elongated slender build, with her shoulders being only a bit wider than her hips, they both contrast with her narrowed ribcage and make a thin hourglass-alike silhouette. Mehit's appearance is all about elongated and triangular shapes, showing her sly and determined persona. Her arms and legs are also thin and long, but not devoid of muscles, as her calves appear to be quite shapely. There are long black horns on her head, with the upper pair growing from the top, and the lower one being curved like ram horns and growing from her temple area. Along with her body, Mehit's facial features are just as elegant, her feline snout looks rather long and flattened on the top. Complete with shark-like teeth and a forked tongue that give her an intimidating smile. Her pointy ears appear to be quite big for her head, they are also ragged and adorned with furry tips. Mehit's eyes seem to look right into your soul, their prolate shape gives them a sneaky and piercing outlook.

The color of Mehit's bright parts is red, and them being her ear insides, eyes, nose, maw and each of the eight gems which are located under her eyes. The hologram orb between the upper pair of horns is also red, along with Mehit's pawpads and some tail stripes. Mehit's fur is about average length, being long only on her tail, cheeks, hips and elbow area. Most of the fur has a reddish beige color, and with dark brown being the secondary fur color. Dark brown fur covers her entire ears besides the brighter brown diamond markings on the back, Mehit's eyelids and nosebridge areas are also dark brown, just like each of the four stripes on her cheeks and a small diamond marking between her eyes. Her limbs down the knees and elbows are also dark brown, and their upper parts are covered with four curved stripes on each limb, along with small dots. The stripes on her arms shift into a bigger marking on Mehit's upper back and continue down the long and lush tail, ending with five stripes on it along with four red ones, and as well as a white tail tip. Dark brown spots also appear on Mehit's chest and lower back area. The tertiary fur color is light beige, which is seen on Mehit's underbelly, buttocks, and small eyebrow markings. Light brown fur covers the upper part of her face, creating a mask-looking marking, this brown fur can be also seen on the back of her ears, forming diamond-like markings. Sometimes, a pair of feathered beige wings can be seen on Mehit's back, she can summon them on will and change their size.

  • All of her red body parts glow when she uses her fire powers.
  • Scars placements: big ones on the right eye, on the back, on the stomach and on the left thigh, small ones on the right shin and middle finger of the left hand, as well as one below her left wrist.
  • Moles placements: under the left eye, right above the left eyebrow, three on the left side of the neck, two on the chest and another one on the stomach.
  • Don't forget these twisted antennae-like things under her eyes, they're her "extra" eyelashes.
  • Her nipple piercings and earrings are not optional.
  • She has small-ish chest and hip dips.
  • She has an ear notch closer to the top of the left ear, and another one at the bottom of right ear.
  • The red spots under Mehit's eyes are not fur markings, they're durable and solid gem-like organs that are responsible for storing and using the element powers.
  • Can wear any other clothing besides her optional outfits on the reference sheet, but! she mostly prefers tight and conventionally fem clothing like dresses, skirts, blouses, fitting shorts/jeans or any other type of tight bottom clothing. Other than keeping this kind of style for clothes, you can go nuts and experiment with drawing outfits for Mehit lol.








TYPOLOGY: ◊ ESTJ | 7w6 sx/sp 714 | SLOEN | VFEL | LSE | ET(S) | DI | pure choleric | true neutral ◊

Driven by living for memorable experiences and desiring full control over her life and freedom of her actions, lively and burning with passion, Mehit is an energetic and ambitious person who has almost never-ending energy for achieving her goals and indulging in her passions. She is prone to jumping into conclusions too fast, sometimes not stopping to think about the significance and wisdom of her actions. Mehit is a witty one, she is quick to judge things and analyze the given information, as if she scans all of her surroundings automatically and notices every single detail. This ability to quickly come up with actions also gives Mehit quite a sharp tongue, she likes making jokes and keeping a lighthearted atmosphere like a bright little bonfire, showering her loved ones with warmth and energy. She falls on the extrovert side, being a chatty, boisterous and loud person, she likes talking, whether it's small talk or deep serious conversations, any sort of this activity brings Mehit strength to stay passionate and artistic. Mehit also likes talking about her past and often romanticizes it, the past is a huge part of Mehit's persona, being her inspiration for what she creates and shows to this world.

At the same time, Mehit isn't always such a ray of sunshine, she is a choleric and there is always rage and disappointment boiling inside her, she can be way too idealistic and sometimes try to achieve things that seem impossible. She doesn't see the limit here and keeps feeling dissatisfied with her life, trying to improve every aspect of it to boost her greedy big ego. This inner frustration is a core trait of Mehit's personality, it's always been there and keeps her uptight throughout her life. The never-ending riot inside Mehit's brain makes her an extremely competitive person who always tries her best and can be too harsh on herself in moments of failure and loss. Hence, she also dislikes feeling any external control and pressure, preferring to be the one who gives the shots. Mehit is also opinionated, she often distrusts the ideas and suggestions of others, always staying with what she trusts and being difficult to get dragged into consensus.

The burden of borderline personality disorder that Mehit bears is making her life more difficult, as she often reacts to her surroundings too intensively and not always predictably. She is temperamental, and her patience is easy to be gone off. Mehit can frequently take jokes too serious or just misunderstand the words of others, and sometimes it causes Mehit to get upset over them. The shame over that disorder made Mehit build up an intimidating and cold outlook, she often hesitates to show her vulnerable side and prefers to hide her feelings. Her poor mental health makes her socially anxious and clumsy, and also quite indifferent to feelings of others, as she struggles to put herself into people's shoes. This negative side is being compensated by her love and care for those she cherishes. Mehit always tries to help her friends and family with chores to also show them that she's not useless or weak, she likes keeping places tidy as it helps her to cope with all the anger inside her. This hardworking nature also comes from being the eldest child who carries all the responsibility in the family, childhood traumas toughened Mehit's persona, but at the same time. they made her prone to sudden emotional outbursts from bottling up her feelings for too long.

  • meat
  • taking charge
  • tight clothes
  • spicy food
  • insects
  • drawing
  • breakcore/synthwave music
  • thrill
  • achieving goals
  • journaling
  • plants
  • mess
  • slow people
  • being controlled
  • losing
  • negativity
  • bland foods
  • brainstorming
  • trying things out of her comfort zone
  • boredom
  • sports clothes
  • beet
◊ Childhood years: ◊


◊ Mid teen years: ◊


◊ Late teen years/adulthood: ◊


  • Mehit has borderline personality, body dysmorphic and anxiety disorders, she is also autistic. She used to suffer from an eating disorder during her early and mid teen years, now she's almost fully recovered from it.
  • Her name is based off a German word "macht" which means power, and it's also a literal name of an Egyptian goddess. It also has an accent on the letter "e", so it's pronounced like "Méhit" and not "Mehi't".
  • Mehit is my fursona, she mostly represents me :3
  • Mehit is naturally skinny with high metabolism, but she actually hates it with passion because it's not the body type she wants to have.
  • She tends to find comfort in food in trying times, and yet she is a picky eater.
  • Mehit's nationality is mainly Georgian, partially German.
  • She is very attentive to her personal hygiene and makes an effort to look neat.
  • She has mild heart issues that come from from a birth defect and her extreme anxiety.
  • Unlike looking more like a domesticated cat, Mehit still can roar like bigger cats due to her being partially a tiger racvine.

  • PYROKINESIS: Mehit possesses an ability to emit red flames from her body, hence, it makes her fireproof and immune to any damage that fire can cause to her body. Possessing powers of this element gives Mehit an ability to heat herself up, though, she can easily control the level of heat except for moments when she experiences very strong emotions. When angered enough, Mehit can lose control of her powers and "expolde" with a burst of red flames that can damage objects and/or people that are located nearby. The way Mehit can use pyrokinesis also varies in different types of flames she can emit, they can vary in size and shapes, and Mehit as well can emit them not only from hands, but by firebreathing or burning on the back. Pyrokinesis also gives Mehit an ability to melt solid materials like metal, plastic, etc.
  • FLYING: Mehit has ability to summon beige feathered wings from her back, also being able to change their size. Though, she cannot keep her wings large for a long time as it drains her energy.
  • DURABLITIY: like any other racvine, and especially as a racvine who possesses elemental powers, Mehit is gifted with high body durability. She doesn't get injuries as easily as those without powers or other creatures that aren't racvines, and even if she gets injured, she also heals faster.
Shinx (wife)

Mehit met Shinx when they were sitting alone in a parallel classroom at school and asked if everything was ok. After seeing the tearful eyes of a young hyena, Mehit invited them to talk after lunch. After learning that the Shinx was being bullied for their poor grades and mental disorder, Mehit decided to help them fix it. Their friendship grew stronger with each day, Mehit helped Shinx to catch up with school material and become a little happier. And then she began to notice that she had feelings for them. All her life thinking that she was straight or bi, Mehit began to doubt that she liked men after those "dates" with Smokey. She was afraid to tell Grey about it, because she didn't know how he would react. After some time, Shinx and Mehit confessed their love to each other and started dating. Due to Mehit's quarrel with Larissa and the urgent move, she had to part with Shinx until her life gets stable. Because of the parting, Shinx had a splitting episode that led to their parents disallowing them to contact Mehit in any way. Only sometimes, Shinx could write to her girlfriend through some friends, but this was not enough for a full-fledged relationship. When Mehit finally returned to Russia, she didn't expect an alienated reaction from Shinx when they met up again. It was just their defensive mechanism due to the fear of abandonment. Soon the relationship resumed, and after graduation, Mehit and Shinx began to live together in Greece, getting married at the age of nineteen-twenty.

Daisy (younger step-sister)

Daisy and Mehit grew up together under the same roof all their childhood, witnessing family arguing and having a strong, trusting relationship. While Mehit and Peksy always became the center of the drama due to their competition, Daisy was somewhere in the background and felt a little forgotten by the family. At the same time, she was the only person to whom Mehit could always come for support in trying times. Their good relationship has persisted to this day, even after they argued at the factory due to different opinions about the Mehit and Peksy's fight. The sisters help each other to appreciate themselves, their conversations are often tied to warm childhood memories and deep feelings.

Peksy (younger step-brother)

Ever since Peksy was just a couple of years old, Mehit realized that she will have to compete for the status of a favorite child in the family. Peksy had his privileges, as Sophia always wanted a son, and his birth defects made him unique in the eyes of his mother. Peksy grew up a greedy and indifferent child because of the excessive attention that he used to get. And seeing how Mehit doesn't get what she wants only made him happy. Brother and sister often fought, messed with each other, and Sophia's indifference to their relationship only fueled their enmity. After Sophia started working in Greece, Peksy changed, rethinking his behavior during his life with his granddad. Since then, he has been trying to become the best version of himself, but his sociopathy prevented him from changing completely, which is why he wanted to poison Mehit after their wedding with Shinx. But an unsuccessful attempt to kill his sister, scars and a lost arm brought him to his senses, and then he decided to take care of his mental health. Mehit and Peksy have been reconciling for a long time, it was hard to make up after the fight, but both are working on it.

Grey (queerplatonic friend)

After Sophia allowed Grey to stay in her house in exchange for the help with chores, he and Mehit quickly became friends, as they both stood the same ground by despising Peksy. They had quite odd feelings for each other, but it wasn't a clear romantic interest yet. When Mehit met Smokey at the aquapark, Grey seemed worried about her and felt jealous, as well he knew something was wrong with Smokey. Even though Mehit didn't listen to Grey's advice to stay away from the potential bad person, he still was there for her, though he certainly didn't agree with Mehit's decision. After Smokey almost raped Mehit, and she ran away from him, she talked to Grey about this situation and admitted that she was wrong. Grey and Mehit finally confessed to each other and were about to start dating. Then they had to part due to Sophia's new job, and after meeting Shinx, Mehit came out as a lesbian after Smokey has made her not feel attracted to men anymore. When Grey and Mehit met up in hometown again, she told him about Shinx. Grey was fine with it since he and Mehit didn't even actually have a date yet, they stayed as queerplatonic friends.

Teddy (friend)

Mehit found Teddy in the yard when he was scrabbling loudly in the bushes. She decided to adopt the poor kid after hearing his awful story, some bad guys killed his older sister, but Teddy still managed to escape with a several injuries. Mehit teached Teddy how to fight, and helped him to develop fire powers. They quickly found a common ground, Mehit was like an older sister to Teddy. Strict, yet protective and caring, just like Leila whom Teddy misses.

Sophia (mother)

As Sophia's daughter, she loves her mother, but the way she was parenting Peksy affected their relationship negatively. Peksy always could blame Mehit for something, just to make Sophia think bad of her eldest child. Mehit was trying to earn Sophia's love. Though, Sophia loves her too and sure is proud of her after many years of realizing, changing her mind about Peksy's behavior. And now, Mehit is equally loved by Sophia with her other siblings. Since Sophia is a quite untypical parent and isn't afraid of acting like she's twenty years younger, she and Mehit can easily find the way to have fun and tell jokes.

Abas (father)

Mehit didn't actually know about Abas, and the fact he is her biological father. She was living with a lie that she was born from a dog mother, and, how weird, a buffalo father, which was quite confusing for her young and curious mind. She was wondering why she's a cat, a feline being, while she doesn't have felines in her family tree. It stayed a mystery until she saw a picture of Abas and Sophia in a box while cleaning the house. She got confused with the picture date and the fact Sophia was married to Alex back then, after not getting the answer from her mom, they had a conflict, but Sophia still stayed silent, because she was too ashamed to talk about her past. A few months later, Mehit accidentally met Abas in her hometown and immediately recognized him, they finally got to talk and Mehit now had the answer to her question. Abas also agreed to date Sophia again. After Peksy poisoned him by accident, Mehit hasn't forgiven him yet and was feeling frustrated for a long time as she almost lost her dad just after getting in touch with him.

Sarah (aunt)

Mehit used to hang out quite a lot with aunt when she was little, but as she grew, she started to realize how much of a different person Sarah is compared to what she seemed like before. Their beliefs have gotten more distinctive, and Mehit eventually stopped contacting Sarah at all after some not pleasant conversations.

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