


2 years, 9 months ago


'Heartache' Allury

"I have to find Charm, because if I don't, I'll never stop feeling like this until I die. They're all I have..."

'Heartache' Allury is a pair of earrings with her sibling Charm. She struggles from anxiety and overwhelming grief, always looking for closure in the hopes that it'll bring relief.

Heartache is persistant, a double-edged sword that can lead her to results or dig a deeper hole for herself. She is stubborn, likes to be right in a situation, and has severe trust issues from never having a healthy relatinoship with anyone but her sibling Charm while growing up.


Name Heartache Allury
Age 30
Gender she/they
Species Earring
Birthday September 6th
Height 5'1
Orientation sapphic
Occupation bartender

  • trashy reality tv
  • magazine scrapbooking
  • pb & j sandwiches

  • indirectness
  • slow walkers/talkers
  • germs


  • Heartache's original role changed from detective and persecutor.
  • They are a mild hypochondriac, mainly fearing contamination (especially when it comes to food or filth)
  • The gem in her inner heart is fake, it's actually just polished glass.
  • 'Heartache' is not her real name, but a term her parents used often to describe her, "You don't know the heartache I go through to keep you fed, pay the bills, do everything by around this house."

Design Notes

  • Heartache has 4 shades of green/blue on her gem
  • She always has gloves and boots on
  • There are always two 'whiskers' underneath each eye, these are not blush marks/eye wrinkles
  • Feel free to take artistic liberties with styles and palettes!


When Charm ran away, Heartache was stuck picking up the pieces at their neglectful household. Although Heartache can't blame their sibling for leaving their conditions, she wishes she could have gone along with them. It was 6 months after their leave that they sent her a letter from a small town named Hemlock and the two started talking again through mail.

Charm's letters were what motivated her to keep going, but one day the letters just stopped coming. She become overwhelmed by the millions of possibilities, ranging from "They don't want to keep in touch anymore because I'm holding them down" to "They suffered some kind of accident and can't write to me anymore." It isn't long until Heartache prepares herself to travel to Hemlock and try and find their sibling.

During the process, she is grief-stricken. She meets PB, a conspiracy theorist who needs help splitting rent, and stays with her while investigating. With each new lead, there's another dead-end, and there's only so many failures she can take, progressively suffering from more frequent and intense episodes.. To counteract this, PB and Cleaver pull her away entirely from her investigating in the form of camping, sleepovers, and legally gray mishief. It's a good distraction, she won't be able to heal until she finds closure.

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