ren's Comments

Hi! I wish I could offer money, however all I can really do is art at the moment haha!

I’d love to offer 3 fullbodies, 2 regular headshots and 1 animated headshot! You can see examples of my art on my toyhouse ^^ I’d also be willing to add more if this seems like too little, but I completely understand if you’re not interested in the offer ^^

hey there!! i'm super interested in this offer and would love to accept this, your art is so cool! :D i'll put ren on hold for you!! 

for the art, you can choose anyone from these two folders to draw!! if you need more options, let me know :3



Awesome!!!! Is there anyone you specifically want me to draw with each piece or just choose myself?

you can choose them yourself!! whichever characters inspire or interest you the most :)

Alright! I’ll get to work right away!


7 Replies

heya, i could offer anyone in my th, if u wanna pick two go ahead,

i can also make a complex ref sheet.

hi! sadly i didn't see anything i would trade for, but thank you so much for the interest!!

heya!! i got a few new ocs if you'd like to check that out ^^

heya again!! i did see some i might be interested in this time! here are the guys who caught my eye: (unsure though, since it seems their ref is privated. would you be able to change the image permissions?)

ranboo is offlimits! TT its writen in his tags TT...

 i can do reishi tho!<3

sorry, i wouldn't trade reishi alone due to ren having much more art!

1 Replies

hi!! I can offer characters in my th, feel free to look :,)

sorry, i didn't see anyone i would use! thank you for the offer.

Is there anyone in my th that interests you for them ? 

only people off limits are those tagged with “Twice Undead”

i did see two i liked but sadly i don’t think their worth is equal to ren, tysm for the offer though!

Hey there! I saw your post on the WoF discord, and this gal is super cool, and I’m not even a furry, haha. I don’t have any money, but I do have plenty of designs! I’d be willing to part with anyone in the Freebies and OTAs folder, but if nobody there interests you, I can just list the off limits one from my other folder!

hello! i didn't see anyone who i'd use in your folder unfortunately but yeah i'd be happy to look in the other!

Sorry for the wait, been having WiFi troubles, but go ahead! I also have these guys, this few, and all of these!

The only ones I wouldn't trade are the three tagged as Roleplay OCs, Autumn, and Shiver!

no worries! i still didn't see anybody i would end up using, but thank you so much for the offer!

hello! would anyone from my up for offers folder interest you? offlimits would be anyone in 00. 

i could definitely do etch, is this toyhouse acc a good one to transfer to or would you prefer a different one? ^^

I see that it is unable to be transferred. I'd be happy to wait if you wanted to ask the original creator to set the character to transferable! I prefer to keep the original character profile. ^^

they’re able to be transferred! just not listed on the toyhouse market as such. toyhouse regulations are super weird.

Oh ok! Then yes I'd like the original character. I'll send over mine once I see it pending!

4 Replies