


2 years, 9 months ago


Denara is a middle-aged Taffy who's been through a lot in life. When she was younger, she was a humongous daddy's girl, and leaned heavily on him for support when a lot of bad things were happening. Her family was never rich, always being in debt, but they made it work. She was envious of when her cousin, "Mr. Body", came into wealth, but did her best to hide her inner feelings and congratulate him. Soon, however, Denara's Dad got sick. Really sick. So sick that he couldn't work anymore and has to be hospitalized. So sick that his already large debt became Denara's task to bear, especially with the stockpiling medical bills. Denara started working more and more, and turned to some bad habits to make it through the days. She began to see her father less and less, and while she would outwardly say it was so she could work to support him, deep down she hated seeing the husk he had become.

One day however, the doctors told Denara about a new miracle treatment that could be used to cure her Dad. The idea of her Dad going back to how he was before motivated her to work even harder, especially when she found out how much it would cost. Denara started working even harder, and relied even more heavily on alcohol to cope with it all. But this was all temporary, and soon her Dad would be better and they could face it all together!

...But he didn't. His condition kept declining, and Denara didn't have nearly the amount of money she needed to pay for the miracle treatment. She tried everything she could to take out loans, but due to her family's already outstanding debt, noone would even look her way. Eventually, out of complete desperation, she went to her cousin for help. She begged for him to help pay for the treatment, or at least give her a loan, anything to save her father's life. But Body refused. He had done his best to cover-up his families' poor upbringing, and if word got out about how he was helping someone choked up in debt, he said that "All of my hard work would be for nothing. My colleagues, the investors in my company, they would all lose faith in me. They might start expecting hand-outs too. So my answer is no. I'm sorry to hear about Uncle, but I think it's best if you leave". At his cold-hearted words, something inside of Denara snapped. She'd been working herself down to the bone, exhausting every single possible avenue to save her father, but the entire world was against her. When she left her cousin's mansion, she went home and sat on her threadbare couch, staring into nothing. Instead of going into work, she called in and said that she quit. She did it with her two other jobs as well, all in a monotone voice.

The next few weeks were a blur. Denara logically knew that she went to sleep every night and remembered to feed and bathe herself, but it felt like she was in an everlasting purgatory, where she could only hold her Dad's hand as her deteriorated further and further. Until one day, it all stopped. Her father's breathing stilled, and as the monitor flatlined, Denara knew it was over. The nurses rushed in to try to resuscitate her father, but nothing could be done.


(Probably going to work on redesigning her. Maybe around the theme of how mental health is always an uphill battle? Or how it's easy to relapse and harder to pick up again? Inspired by these emojis (☠ 🕓 😁)? I'll figure it out lmao)

A Taffyfloss created for the Murder at Body Manor Event on the Candyfloss Group!

Quick note, but her lashes are an accessory that she chooses to wear.


Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality/Identities: Bisexual

Species: Candyfloss

Subspecies: Taffyfloss

Clan: Rho


  • Blank Coat Type
  • 0 Marking Areas
  • Ornament Gem
  • Studs
  • 2 Prosthetic Limbs
  • Rare Prosthetic Limbs Placement
  • Rho Clan Water Material Type
  • Freshwater Fish Type
  • Uncommon and Rare Fish Skin Areas
  • Common Fin Placement
  • Common Gill Placement