
6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Male (He/Him)

Sexual Orientation




Zodiac Sign

Scorpio 12/November 4


Chaotic Neutral


Zillah is the Celestial of Darkness and Anarchy that opposes Azhaire, the Celestial of Light and Tradition. Even though he dislikes Azhaire's constant nagging, he does not like to do anything about it. He has control over the demon group, the Onyx Quartet.


  • Darkness
  • Internet Culture
  • Chairs
  • Stereotypes
  • Being told what to do
  • Unnecessary Fighting/Conflict
Zillah is very passive and nonchalant compared to his other Celestial peers. He does not enjoy doing work so he has other people(his minions) do his work instead. Although he intends his teasing to be lighthearted, he finds himself messing around at the wrong times often. Zillah loves joking around and making snarky comments, but most people around him aren't too fond of it. He often uses jokes to deflect his emotions so others don't realize just how pessimistic and cynical he really is on the inside. Although he can be quite unapproachable at times due to his heavily sarcastic nature, he still cares greatly for the people that return their care for him despite his many flaws. His status being the Celestial of Darkness means that his negative emotional outbursts are much worse compared to the rest of the Celestials. As a result, he tries his best to cover up his bitterness and resentment by ignoring the things that make him feel worse. He does not enjoy fighting because he worries that he will lose control and take things too far. Since he does not want people he loves to be hurt by his actions,  Zillah often ends up distancing himself from those people to an unhealthy degree over the smallest arguments. Deep down, Zillah absolutely despises his bleak attitude towards most things and wishes he could be anyone but himself.

Additional Info:

  • Zillah is the only Celestial who is not doing his assigned position given to him by the Creator.
  • His favourite K-Pop group is TWICE.
  • Zillah was supposed to be the ruler of Tartarus, however he was too lazy to rule so he gave all the ruling rights to Belial. When Lucifer took over, he did nothing about it and allowed it to slide.