Honeybear's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Roothaus Global Rules

Shoutout to scpkid’s TOS, as I used it as a baseline so I didn’t forget to include anything important <3

This applies to all designs created by me, no matter how you receive them!


  • Once you have paid you have ownership of the character design and license to use it for personal use. 
  • This includes commercial merch rights, such as putting them on t-shirts or keychains to sell. However, I must always be clearly credited and made aware! This applies to art you made or commissioned only, do not put my art on merch for profit. If you are ever unsure, ask me! 
  • The exception to this is NFT. You may NEVER mint/sell my work, art, characters for NFT or sell for cryptocurrency. 
  • You may alter the design however you wish. Change the species, colors, flavor text if there is any, anything! 
  • You may also alter the art I made that came along with the character to better suit your needs, such as hue shifts, adding markings, etc. 
  • You must credit me for the original design and art and may not claim it as your own. You can point out and take credit for edits you've made, as well as credit us equally if enough change has been made to the design to warrant it. 
  • You do not have commercial rights to create 'closed' or community-based species off my one-off designs. Personal 'headworld' species for your personal stories are fine, they don't apply to this rule, moreso the modern concept of CS. Do not make multiple versions of my designs for profit.
  • All sales are final, I do not do refunds! If you don’t want a design anymore you are free to trade or sell it.
  • Payment plans can be arranged for payments up to $200. Generally, I expect 50% as a down payment, but this can lower the higher the price. Feel free to negotiate with me so we can find a plan that works for both of us. 

Ownership Transfer

  • Once I sell the design I no longer will dissolve future ownership disputes or disagreements. 
  • Whether or not you decide to co-own a design is also up to you. As long as it’s paid for, ownership is not something I control. 
  • Once you buy a design from me you may trade it, gift it, or resell it for however much you see fit. I do not limit how you go about it and do not believe in the practice of limiting this. Thrift store rules, you can sell what you own for however much you want.
  • No matter how you receive this design, whether from me or someone else, the above rule always applies. 
  • You may not apply your ‘own’ TOS to my designs: This means you may not create ultimatums that others must follow in order to trade with you, such as demanding that a design be given back should the person you’re trading with lose interest, thus limiting what they can do with the design after they own it. Or, another example, ruling that others cannot resell the design you’ve traded them within a certain timeframe. I do not care if my designs become trade fodder, they are products. If you legitimately got one of my designs, you own it. If anyone ever gives you an issue over this, redirect them here!  
  • The only exception to these rules are designs made for a closed species or any other ‘brand’. In this case, please refer to the species TOS!

If you ever have any questions or there is something not covered here, feel free to ask me directly!