Kaun (ᚴ )



2 years, 9 months ago







1.76 cm



Kaun - (ᚴ /'illness')
Kaun has the ability to summon threads that are not easily seen by the naked eye. These threads can be used as a weapon or a way to control his oponents. For unknown reasons, he accepted a contract with a demon (His hand is "proof" of said contract). It's said that his powers are the result of it. Nowdays, he is part of Othalan's group and works with them. He prefers being called Kay -his nickname-.


  • Freedom
  • Lillies (Flower)
  • Annoy his teammates
  • Origami

  • Confined spaces
  • Being forced to do something he doesn't want to
  • Chains


Kaun is a person of neutral qualities, it could be said that he adapts to the situation at hand. He's serious when he needs to be serious and he's somewhat charismatic if he needs to be charismatic. He tries not to appear weak with anyone and is careful of his surroundings. If there is something that makes him lose his calm, usually personal things about him, he does not talk about it with anyone and keeps everything to himself.

He likes to prank on his teammates and see their reactions, mostly because he has nothing else to do. With them he tries to appear more playful and ready for whatever mission Othalan desires.


P. Attack

Life Steal




Crit. Rate


Evasion %

· · ·

What is one more demon, when I already have so many?


He gets irritated if called Kaun. He prefers to be called Kay.
His name was given to him by the people that found him when he was little.
Has a good relationship with the demon he made a pact with. He considers him a friend.
He does not have any specific hobbies, but he enjoys making origami.


Kaun was adopted by a group of professional assassins - those dedicated to get the job done no matter what. They only had two things in mind: how much money for the job, and the member's loyalty.
Since very little, Kaun was trained to endure things a child shouldn't go through, that he was just a kid was not a reason to stop the group's high command order's to go through this hell called training.

In reality, Kaun himself doesn't know his parents - rather, he doesn't have any memories of them, not even of the place he came from. All he remembers is that he was raised to kill.
But, he was not the only one walking this hell, his [older sister] was there with him. They were actually not blood-siblings, but they considered each other as actual family.
She was there for longer, in charge of harder and complex ''missions'' assigned by the organization, there was no way she was enjoying these though - suffering during the night, not a wink of sleep in sight.

A day, just like any other, she found out [they] picked up a stray, just like her. In her eyes, she saw a child who needed her, who she would protect and who would become her meaning to keep on looking ahead. His sister was the only one who would worry for Kaun, she would look out for him, treat his wounds, and take care of him.
Years went by, and Kaun was struck by an unknown illness. Nobody knew the why or how it happened, but it was for sure those in high command would leave Kaun to his own luck. His older sister did everything she could, moving the necessary pieces to convince [them] to not leave him alone, for a long time she looked for a cure, or whatever was needed to save him. In one of the many missions, she found a precious blood red ruby necklace, a weird one for sure, said to be cursed even- but she took it anyways.

She felt "stronger" wearing it the few times she did, so Kaun's sister decided to gift it to him. It might have just been a feeling, but she thought it would help him recover his strength. Surprisingly, it did.
Kaun was better and healed, yet no one questioned the reason as to why - he was not that important. His big sister was just happy that whatever it was, it helped, and that's how they kept on surviving, by having each other's back. Dreaming of the day they would finally leave this hell.

The Vengeful Flame

With no notice, the flames rapidly engulfed the place.
This happened in one of the many lairs of this hell of an organization, and for bad or rather Kaun's good luck, it was the place where he and his sister resided.
With just a few surviving, including Kaun and his sister, it was the perfect chance for them to escape - but the injuries [she] received were too much to keep going. She passed away shortly after.

The days after her death were full of pain for Kaun, with barely enough to survive, alone, the only thing left for him was his sister's gift and the fact the world kept on going without her filled him with loathing.

This vengeful flame, what was it caused by? Maybe a loose string between the organization, or the revenge for the destruction [they] kept on leaving behind - the reason may never be known.


That necklace of Kaun's turned out to be the seal for a demon - awoken by his bloodthirst. The demon proposed a contract, it would give Kaun all the power and strength he needed to achieve his objective, and in exchange, it would use Kaun's body as a vessel to reside in instead of being carried around as an accessory.
As if it was the only choice, he accepted. In consequence, he now has a demonic arm, as proof of the demon's residence in his body, and the skill to summon these invisible strings. His objective was, of course, to give and end to the organization - make those who were still left suffer, and let the high command taste a spoonful of their own medicine, making sure they know the pain he and his dear sister went through.

Eventually, he would be found by Othalan, whose tongue and sharp words resembled that of the demon's. A purpose given after his vengeance was over with - a place to come back to, and the unquestionability Othalan had over Kaun's potential to be even more of what he think he is.


Othalan (ᛟᛞᚨᛁ)

Respects Othalan for the help he has given him thus far. He promised to be loyal to him no matter what. Also, it seems that they fight for who is the most annoying... (They both are pretty annoying)

"The princess" Ally

#1 Prank Target of Kaun. He loves to watch his reaction to stuff, it amazes him. He often calls him "Princess" just to annoy him, sometimes Ansuz answers back to his pranks, sometimes he just gets mad at him. Even though the fight a lot, they relay on each other.

"The money man?" Ally

He thinks Wynn is kind of a interesing person and get along well. Of course that doesn't save him of Kaun's pranks.

code by 00Ishikawa00