


2 years, 9 months ago



Gender: Male

Age: 42

Height: 7' 2" 

Occupation(s): Owner of multiple venues around the city

Relationships: He married Alice in his mid-20's and they had a child together named Flora. While their relationship started off fine it would start to worsen after their child was born. Tiny disagreements would become huge arguments, and huge arguments turned to violence. Both his daughter and his spouse are terrified of him, though his daughter shows it less than his wife. 

His parents were very distant and had high expectations of him. Despite the way he was treated, he idolized his father. The two passed away when he was a young adult, and he mourned the loss for a long time. He found solace in drinking his sorrows away. The fortune they had made was passed down to their son.

 Hobbies/Interests: He's a bit of a workaholic and his jobs consume most of his time. Kyle cares a lot about money, power, and reputation. He is obsessive about his appearance and is always making sure he looks his best. 

Personality: A greedy, completely manipulative and abusive sociopath who lacks any empathy towards other people. Very antisocial and pretty much hates everyone, including himself a little bit. He exhibits a lot of self-destructive behaviors such as anorexia and addiction. Very intelligent, but unfortunately, he's quite arrogant about it. He graduated top of his class.