


6 years, 9 months ago


Name: Rabbitfur

Age: Adult

Rank: Deputy

Gender: she-cat

  • Pronouns: she/her

Orientations: Lesbian

Physical Description: Rabbitfur is huge. She's sweet as pie to her clan members, and even a bit ditsy at times, but on the battlefield, her size alone can make her opponents nervous. She's covered in white, fluffy fur from short nose to plumed tail. She has small ears and fuzzy rear feet reminiscent of a rabbit's. 

Personality: Rabbitfur is a chipper, friendly cat, a gentle giant despite her large size. She loves to help the clan as best she can, despite being a bit of a ditz at times. Still, she's one of the softest cats in CliffClan (personality wise, and pelt-wise), and she can always be depended on. She's a foil to Pebblestar, her mate and leader. 

Backstory: WIP

Relationships: Pebblestar - mate: They've been together since kithood, with Pebblestar being only a moon and a half older than Rabbitfur. They've been best friends, and then mates, and now they lead CliffClan as a team. They bring out the best in each other, and make up for each others' flaws. 

Other: She's an unofficial clan-mom, and spends a lot of time with the elders and in the nursery.