


6 years, 9 months ago





Gendershe-cat (she/her)

"Small brown ticked she-cat, covered in scars."


Pebblestar is to the point, dedicated, and somewhat grumpy; she wants what needs done to be done. She's very loyal to CliffClan and her clanmates, and would do anything to protect them. She's intimidating, and sometimes even viewed as mean, but she does care strongly, and that's what fuels her constant need for things to go right. She's vicious in battle, and will not give in, regardless of what is put in front of her.


She's a small, lithe she-cat; she has a small build but is well-muscled. She's a brown ticked tabby, with broken dark markings along her back and legs. She is missing her back right leg and part of her right ear, and her left eye is heavily scarred. She is covered in small scars and nicks. Her eyes are yellow.  


Rabbitfur - Pebblestar's mate and deputy. She loves her completely, and she is the only cat around whom she really lets her guard down and abandons her gruff demeanor.

Gargaze - Pebblestar's friend and advisor. Pebblestar trusts the old medicine cat with her life, despite him being somewhat odd. They're very close friends, and he is the only cat that can get away with giving her orders.  

Sandfang - Pebblestar's friend and former apprentice. Sandfang was her second apprentice, and is one of her most trusted warriors. Although both somewhat gruff, they get along well. She respects Sandfang, and considers them friends.

Pouncepelt - Pebblestar's mother. Pebblestar is on good terms with her mother, and deeply respects the elder for all her years of loyalty to the clan.  


Pebblestar was born and raised in CliffClan. She had a fairly uneventful kithood, the only kit of her litter to survive and well-loved by her mother. She was an adventurous kit, and was excited to become an apprentice. She was a bit difficult to reign in for her first few moons of training, but learned quickly the value of the warrior code and what it meant to be a clan cat. Although a moon older, she spent most of her apprenticeship alongside her best friend Rabbitpaw, and the two worked together to become warriors in time. They were given their warrior names after a battle with some rogues who were attempting to steal CliffClan territory. 

Pebblepelt grew into a fierce warrior, one who was strong and dedicated to her clan. Despite her relatively small size, she quickly became one of the best fighters in CliffClan, and she was always first to respond to any threats to their territory. Although she was somewhat distant and gruff towards her clanmates, she was well respected for her loyalty and ferocity. After the death of his previous deputy, Hawkstar chose Pebblepelt to become his deputy. 

Some time after Pebblepelt became deputy, a black bear invaded CliffClan's territory and tried to take over one of the lower cliffs for its den. Hawkstar and some of his warriors were attacked during a border patrol, and Hawkstar died defending his clan mates. Pebblestar became leader, and unsurprisingly chose Rabbitfur as her deputy. Her first task was to figure out how to drive the bear off of their territory. She planned and led the attack on the bear, though she was heavily wounded and lost her leg in the fight. Some were worried she would be forced to retire to the elders' den, but she rose up to the challenge and continued to fight and to lead. 


  • No one in the clan knows how many lives she has left at any given time, including herself and excluding Gargaze (and probably Rabbitfur).  
  • Her eye was wounded in a rare border skirmish with MistClan. 
  • She lost her first life along with her leg- fighting the bear that threatened their territory. 

profile html by Hukiolukio