


2 years, 9 months ago







 Nonbinary (they/she)


 ??? (20ish)


 Dark Arch


 Guardian Angel



"Look inside
With darkness my tears collide
Sinking into the shrine of me
I'm ready to be set free"








Roos is lacking in commonplace knowledge and aloof, as well as quiet. Although she is matured, especially due to her time beneath Baphomet, she is wholly unadjusted to normal social standards and often is unable to act in them as a result. Not out of fear, but genuinely feeling no need to behave otherwise. 

What she is thinking about is often more complicated than what she is capable of saying. Roos is not easily trusting, but is willing to tolerate if her boundaries are respected. She values her alone time and personal space.  At the same time, however, as she becomes more accustomed to socializing, she tends to ride a line between needing social interaction and despising it. She can be excitable when praised or treated kindly, but it only ever manifests in the subtle wagging of her tail. She is in more need of comfort than she lets on.

Roos can be cold and aggressive, and when it comes to a situation that is potentially a direct threat, she does not hesitate to lash out. Bite first, ask questions later if you are suspicious or invasive. She is stubborn. If she decides something firmly, it takes a while to convince her away from it.  

She wishes not to be a hero, but to be free, and so helps whoever will potentially get her closer to that goal. Initially, at least. At some point, it becomes clear that it is not only for herself that she fights, misunderstanding her desire for only freedom and concluding that she seeks understanding company as closely as she seeks freedom. This ushers in her protectiveness. She will allow herself to be beaten and bloody before those that mean something to her are put in the line of fire. 

Roos’s insecurity about herself arises from how great her anger can become when the right buttons are pushed. She once feared the way she could be when enraged, not wanting to risk the pain she might bring those close to her. But she is learning to accept that it is apart of her, and it can be just as useful to her as any other feeling. When emotionally pained, Roos completely self-isolates. 



  • black fur frames their face. all pitch black parts (aside from the neck fluff, which is part of her clothing) are made up of fur. 
  • her body is wrapped in blue bandages under a black top and shorts. dont worry about the logic behind this.
  • her neck is covered up with a purple bandana. 
  • ponytail and side bits of hair are held up with golden rings



Roos is a Dark Arch that was manifested by the hand of Baphomet; a mostly stable and highly powerful entity, with a few quirks here and there. A favorite of Baphomet's, Roos pulled a great bit of his focus from his other creations, much to her detriment. His training regime for his creations was wholly cruel, and no easier on even the ones he had a soft spot for. All to further his desire for a vicious monster on par with himself. 

Despite what setbacks came with the little imperfections in Roos's construction, Baphomet pushed on, stubborn to get the hound where he wanted them. This would prove to be a foolish mistake, however, as Roos would eventually snap from the pressure of his expectations.

Her desires molded and shifted, Roos resolved that her growth was stunted by her creator, and her restriction to the underworld. She needed to leave, and reject all that she was before. She made her grand escape, just barely escaping the crushing claw of her creator...

Only to find herself within another birdcage; the shaded city.


Having crossed over to the mortal world and it not being what she expected, Roos was left aimless and frustrated for a period of time. She spent weeks prowling the shaded city's streets, avoiding contact with humans but engaging with the dark creatures that occasionally roamed, attacking and oftentimes eating them. 

Her goal in escaping was to eventually return to the underworld and rid the world of Baphomet, preventing him from ever bringing harm to or creating another of her kind again. But with fewer options than before, and now a lack of access back to the underworld or anywhere beyond the shaded city, she was left with few options on how to advance.

Lo and behold, Rhine of the Guardian Angels approached her, promising some semblance of shelter and at least a start to figuring out what she wanted to do with herself from there. Although untrusting and ornery, Roos accepted the offer, if only to benefit herself and press on with her mission to destroy Baphomet.

Now, however, as time moves forward, she has found herself more and more willing to extend her help to the people of the city, for reasons beyond that which are justified by her goal.


RHINE  closest friend  (love interest)


RANGER  trusted ally  (older sibling figure)


CURE  ally(...?)


LEDGE  enemy(...?)


HARBINGER  enemy (deranged older sibling) 




  • chew stimulation
  • plushies
  • journaling


  • sudden/continuous loud noises
  • sudden physical contact
  • rain


  • roos is able to switch between two alternate forms. her compact form allows her to take the form of a feral wolf, and her unbound form is a beastly transformation that is triggered by unshakable anger. 
  • roos is in possession of the wings of fire, allowing her access to pyrokinesis. she is able to evoke flames from her limbs and mouth, and is also able to manifest wings made of the same element. 
  • roos keeps a journal but cannot read or write in an existing human (or  demon) language. everything in her journal is scribblings that only she  can decipher.
  • comforted by soft/warm, holdable objects like plush dolls or pillows.


Rhinestone Eyes
Who I Am
 Ok Goodnight

code by icecreampizzeria