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Madelyn Clydeston


Name Madelyn Lianne Clydeston
Age 23
Gender Cis Female
Species Human
Occupation N/A
Social Standing Upper Class
Universe Me Last, If Ever
Orientation Lesbian


  • protective
  • flirtatious
  • confident
  • athletic


  • cute girls
  • stuffed animals
  • cuddling
  • jogging

Extroverted and very flirtatious, Madelyn has no issue with walking right up to a cute girl and asking her out. She's not beyond using a cheesy pickup line or two either, if she thinks she'll get to see some cute blushes out of it. She likes to be able to be openly affectionate, frustrated when told she has to hide her love for someone for any reason because she wants the world to know how much she cares, and more than that, she wants the person she loves to see just how much she loves them.

Madelyn is fiercely protective, and can sometimes be a little too quick to fight someone off if she has any reason to believe they might spell danger for a person she loves. Her intense desire to keep her friends and family safe can be both a blessing and a curse, causing some irritation in her past relationships that led to breaking up. She likes to feel needed, and can get anxious about the idea of someone no longer having a reason to keep her around if they don't need her support as much as they once did.

Madelyn enjoys having something or someone to hold onto while she sleeps, and owns a collection of cute stuffed animals for just such a purpose. While often quick to comfort others, she is reluctant to admit when she's having a hard time, determined to stay strong in case someone needs her. Going for a run to get her mind off things or having someone to hug and cuddle can help her feel better most of the time. It eases her mind when she can hold onto someone and keep them close and safe in her arms.

"You're trouble? So what? I like a little trouble."

Madelyn grew up with four sisters in the Clydeston mansion, raised under her mother's strict eyes. She's put up with the many boring lessons, unwanted male suitors picked out by her mother, and all the pressures of high-society life for years. Everything in the household was run by her mother and she had no say in anything, resulting in a rebellious nature and constant resistance against the endless rules and expectations as she got older. Her mother has more or less given up on getting her to behave like a proper lady and just hopes that she'll act and dress somewhat respectable at big events.

When her little sister, Cevin, ran away from home, Madelyn's anxieties about never knowing if Cevin was alright caused a tendency of trying to keep the people she loves close and protected so she doesn't have to wonder about what state they're in.


  • Favorite color is orange
  • Every morning, servants do her hair up in a tidy and respectable bun. After breakfast with her family, she pulls it partway out into a ponytail instead, inspired by sailors at the docks.



Aspen [ girlfriend ]

Madelyn is protective over Aspen, and can often be seen pulling Aspen against herself, hugging or holding her, whether to keep her safe or just because it's comfortable and they both like to cuddle.