


2 years, 8 months ago


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Masterlist Entry
Name Kouta Shizuo | 閑夫幸拓
Age 24
Gender Male
Species Dainty
Height/Weight 5'7 / 100lbs
Sexuality Demi-Heterosexual
Birthday September 4th
Worth $35 (NFS/T | Forever-homed!)

Likes: Photography | Horror Stories | Rainy Nights | Curry
Dislikes: Heedlessness | Bright Lights | Boba Tea | Mosquitoes

Kouta is a very straightforward and formal dainty; "respectful" is a word most often used to describe him. To others, however, he seems aloof and even selfish due to his not interacting with others and tendency to focus on his own interests. Working as a sort-of freelance paranormal investigator, Kouta enjoys chronicling "haunted" locations and investigating unsolved incidents. He prefers to do things on his own, believing he usually has the best strategy, but he knows it's foolish to not utilize help when needed. His biggest pet peeve is those who get in over their head by rushing headfirst into a dangerous situation without a plan. So, he makes it a habit to research as much as he can about his activities and get out as soon as things seem too risky. His hobbies include photography and consuming any horror media. Additioally, Kouta adores being in the dark and other typically unsettling condions; his perfect night would be watching a psychological horror movie at night during a heavy thunderstorm.

Kouta grew up in a less-than-ideal environment. Though he had the neccessities provided for his survival, he was unfortunately oft neglected by his family. He's always been rather reserved and cold ever since he was a child due to his quiet and rough interactions at home. In school, he was incredibly booksmart, but others refrained from asking for assistance from him due to his standoffish nature. His distant demeanor was only complemented by his interest in the occult and affinity for black apparel. Consequently, many are surprised when Kouta initiates conversation with others around him normally. Though he's more desensitized to grotesque things, he's not lost any sort of empathy as some may assume of him. Kouta currently lives on a beachside villa where he can keep to himself; he enjoys having a calm, luxurious place to return too after searching through more eerie locations.

  • Kouta's saliva flavor is sweet red bean paste!
  • He has glasses for mildly blurry eyesight and astigmatism.
  • He is left-handed.
  • He likes collecting gemstones and other shiny, valuable items.
  • His favorite drink is vanilla almond milk.
  • Oddly, he seems to attract cats and reptiles. He adopted a few stray cats and has some wild snakes living in his yard.
  • Voice headcanon: Takuya Satou (Japanese) | Johnny Yong Bosch (English)

Polaroid Camera: Instantly captures any evidence of suspect activity.

Candle: A backup light that is less conspicuous than an ordinary flashlight.

Note Page: For noting observations and collecting written documents.

Wine: Just a treat kept for a notably intense day.

Suspicious Tape: Contains video of a potential haunting.

Talisman: A doll that wards off evil spirits.

Sleeping Set: A pack of sleep materials in case he needs to stay somewhere overnight.

Books: A collection of materials/instructions on supernatural events and practices.

『Follow along, succumb to the charms』

dd253a9-eb6fc76b-baf9-4bd0-bcd8-c1805441 db9xk1o-21d6fcd8-14f6-4579-b92b-bf1bb9f2 daivut3-b7375a58-a0fb-4c02-9dbf-1c666a23 dac2pqf-4690843a-afc5-415b-ba77-69a0862c dbj4k7p-9f81a443-32c5-4031-af46-e912fadd ddft6sq-8b733f5d-3037-4d2c-9af9-0de72e2c ddpua9s-1fa712b1-d442-420f-a101-e2d09dbf dbboh3x-392246ac-3fcb-4ab3-8648-d999ccfc ddque4z-793b1220-8d38-4916-b2e6-eccc55a0 davzzwq-5b07ed01-2a4e-4e27-a7da-af7639b0 dcl8iud-9a987077-ad70-4ecd-8148-4c5456ae datm7dv-9b910cee-3919-4c03-b0c0-c37343f1 dav5h1c-0d55ea10-7711-4446-8362-c4fa8fe2 db9xjvx-32717554-1446-426d-abd2-bf169885 dax1bxt-186ee61f-2d3c-4de7-9887-612bc2ea dc21rc4-48358e8b-de0b-4231-a70c-53b83c7a davcztt-6fdc6b3e-f39e-4e9b-93df-b91c735b dbj1dml-f88cbaf2-71ad-4ef3-a2e7-3180f501
  • Designer SeraphicSage
  • Obtained Via 09/13/2021 - Prompt Points MYO Slot
  • Approval Date 09/19/21
  • Masterlist Number MYO #07297
  • Kouta is a Dainty! He has hooved digitigrade legs, and his stockings cannot be removed or altered in any way.
  • His eyes are bright red, and his pupils are slit like a cat!
  • His hooves are uncloven like a horse.
  • Dainties are a closed species by Pajuxi!

【Viewer discretion is advised】 Some songs contain profanity and graphic content. Videos may contain flashing lights and sensitive imagery.

danke | My Dead Girlfriend
Chain Keeper | MELT-BANANA
The Fox's Wedding | Masa
She is inside, He is outside | Mass of the Fermenting Dregs
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis | Dasu
Manhole | TsuShiMaMiRe
Lost One's Weeping | Neru
This Fxxxed-Up Wonderful World Exists For Me | n.k
手を振って | My Dead Girlfriend
BitCrushe | deino3330
Abstract Nonsense | Neru
Babylon | Tohma
dd9fd87ac8b2fac4f82b744fb38b96dcb5ee5b85 dd9fd87ac8b2fac4f82b744fb38b96dcb5ee5b85 dd9fd87ac8b2fac4f82b744fb38b96dcb5ee5b85 dd9fd87ac8b2fac4f82b744fb38b96dcb5ee5b85 dd9fd87ac8b2fac4f82b744fb38b96dcb5ee5b85

Coin Locker Baby by MARETU

Bacterial Contamination by deino3330

THE HIVE by Melt Banana

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