


2 years, 6 months ago


9d87f25b9f08d97108bdb7e8e77fe151fc87f964 9d87f25b9f08d97108bdb7e8e77fe151fc87f964 9d87f25b9f08d97108bdb7e8e77fe151fc87f964 9d87f25b9f08d97108bdb7e8e77fe151fc87f964 9d87f25b9f08d97108bdb7e8e77fe151fc87f964 9d87f25b9f08d97108bdb7e8e77fe151fc87f964 9d87f25b9f08d97108bdb7e8e77fe151fc87f964 9d87f25b9f08d97108bdb7e8e77fe151fc87f964
Masterlist Entry
Name Mikio Tsukimi (月海巳貴央)
Age 19
Gender Male
Species Dainty
Height/Weight 4'5 / 72lbs
Sexuality Heterosexual
Birthday January 28th
Worth $35 (NFS/T | Forever-homed!)

Likes: Goldfish | Reading | Snakes | Mist
Dislikes: Disorder | Monkeys | Eggs | Hot Sauce

Mikio is a very pragmatic and only slightly haughty young dainty. He generally tries to go with the flow of things without much pushback, but he does become irked when things go off-plan. He works best when having a schedule and routine and will become very easily flustered when making mistakes. Being rather intelligent, Mikio has a special interest in marine biology as well as astronomy. He works at a renowned aquarium as a curator who keeps tabs on the types of life living in the building and makes sure their needs are met accordingly. As part of his job (that he particularly enjoys), Mikio also monitors the local whale activity and occassionaly feeds the sea otters in their exhibit. He has a vey high respect for marine life and oft considers himself to be a close friend of the animals at his place of work. Much to his embarassment, he can sometimes be seen muttering conversation with the fish while working.

Mikio was born into an upper-class family in the bayside. Unfortunately, his parents separated when he was an infant, so he was primarily raised by his mother growing up. He has two older siblings that left with his father, but he never particularly knew them. Even as a young child, he's always picked up information rather easily, but he has a habit of hyperfocusing on one thing that captures his interest at the moment. Whether it be a snake on the playground or the class' pet fish, he would become very diligent in observing things that he likes. His sarcastic comments and drier sense of humour would sometimes keep him from making close friends, but for the most part he had little trouble socializing. He currently resides in a University dormroom located close to his job. Here, he enjoys spending sleepless nights studying, taking care of his pet snake (named Aoi), and playing games with his classmates.

  • Mikio's saliva flavor is salted caramel pudding!
  • He refuses to eat any kind of seafood due to his love of sea life. He does like fish-shaped food such as gummies and taiyaki, though.
  • He has an ita bag filled with glittery shells and other pretty sea trinkets.
  • Due to his height and young looks, he is sometimes confused for a child when wearing pants.
  • His favorite drink is milk.
  • His favorite food is blueberry pancakes.
  • Voice headcanon: Atsushi Abe (Japanese) | Robbie Daymond (English)

Sparkling Water: A refreshing beverage of the highest quality.

Address Book: A small leather book for tracking contacts and notes.

Feather Pen: A brand-name limited-edition pen meant to replicate writing utensils of old.

Rubber Ducky: A cute good luck charm kept close since he was a child. Featured in classic yellow.

Taiyaki: A sweet-filled snack to satisfy even the worst sweet tooth.

USB Drive: Contains mountains of important documents and possibly some cute fish pictures.

Seed Packet: A starter kit for an at-home botanical garden.

Reading Glasses: He swears they're more of a fashion statement, but he's really starting to struggle with his farsightedness.

『Add a layer more of paint; until the world’s set right』

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  • Designer SeraphicSage
  • Obtained Via 09/17/21 - Unlimited Event MYO Slot #104
  • Approval Date 10/16/21
  • Masterlist Number MYO #07530
  • Mikio is a Dainty! He has hooved digitigrade legs, and his stockings cannot be removed or altered in any way.
  • His eyes are bright gold, and his pupils are slit like a cat!
  • His hooves are uncloven like a horse.
  • He has cat-like fangs.
  • He has blue snake bite piercings.
  • Dainties are a closed species by Pajuxi!

Plume | Caravan Palace
Stage Fright | Scraton
Wonda | Caravan Palace
Pop U | Scraton
Magic Ways | Tatsuro Yamashita
Paragon | Scraton
Supersonics | Caravan Palace
Strawberry Lemonade | Saint Pepsi
About You | Caravan Palace
AntiBeat | DECO*27
Hibikase | Giga P
Jitterbug | Hachiya Nanashi
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Hello World! by 正弦函数P

Melancolia by Caravan Palace

Snow Fairy Story by 40mP

Jigsaw by Mafumafu