


6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Ernest Kossak





Age (date of birth)

118 (30th August 1899)




Death reaping


Death reaper, tf did you expect



Theme song

"BTSTU" - Jai Paul


Ernest Junior's grandpa, used to be a COOL SECRET AGENT

cut off his own tongue, gg

died at 88 on his last mission i guess idfk

has stupid hair and a cool light-up scythe

Hello there, you're now my dump character for Law Shit:

Ok so what I imagine is that Kossaks used to be another gotdam mafia in ye olde days. They owned a lot of shit and were practically royals (though more knights??? Knights fit them. That's Makbet shit). They didn't use to be horrible people, but over time wealth and power corrupted their morals a bit.

But somewhere in a timeframe that's correspondent to our between-wars time so whenever it was that Mobian world plunged deep into a crisis and needed to climb out, the youngest Kossaks realised that their tradition is based on being assholes, and people respect them out of fear than anything else. But with power they had and death on their side, they could do better! And instead of succumbing to primal wants, they could actually make the world a better place!! (And that's Dziady, and there was probably some specific wolf that started this small inter-family revolution akin to Konrad but whatever I don't care.)

And between what here would be war-modern times transition, Kossak mafia became more of a fellowship. But aside from not being dicks to people anymore and trying to help out with their money and reinforcements, they decided to start keeping other asshole organisations at bay. To do that they funded their own, anti-asshole organisation. At first it consisted mainly of members of their own family, but soon people in the currently broken country caught word of it and many that approved of the idea either joined the organisation or supported it as well. With Kossaks former good reputation and power over something like 1/5th of a country, as the government rebuilt, it also noticed the organisation and raised it to a rank of practically equal with law enforcement, though definitely smaller. But with that, they also set limitations on the what was at this point something like privatised MI7. The organisation was allowed to meddle in legal affairs, but couldn't betray the Mobian race or break law for their own gains, and it was more and more consisting of actual professionals (and it was less and less Kossak to be honest). While they're given a bit of free will on what they deem a threat and how they get rid of it, they're also meant to be cooperating with law enforcement and it's in their best interest to not turn down any jobs. Agents are all professionally trained and have their identities protected, but they can have a hard time quitting the organisation should they ever try.

Then again they're only ever bothered with legitimate issues, and nowadays even though quieter, the whole group is more organised and effective than ever, methodically breaking down crime organisations all over the place, or sometimes just getting rid of a stubborn evil-doer.

The involvement with actual Kossak family is minuscule at this point, the wolves mainly remaining as sponsors, though there's some cases like Ernest that are directly involved and very highly respected. After all, he's Death.