


2 years, 9 months ago


Zeityosaur Snakoopa


Name Zeit
Orientation Demiromantic
Age Unknown
Gender Demigirl (She/They)
Height 174cm/ 5'9"
Species Snakoopa
Role Guardian of Time
Theme Clock tower


  • Cats
  • Rainy days
  • The Steampunk style
  • Gazing at the stars at night
  • Anything with caffeine in it


  • Being late
  • Her long ears
  • Cutting their hair
  • New technologies
  • When insomnia strikes

Zeit is the Guardian of Time. She decided to move on with her previous life by discovering what modern time actually looks like. Now working as an agent in Mister Russel’s secret agency, Zeit finally has something in her life to help her cope. Because of her past, she is generally extremely professional and cold. But don’t get yourself distracted by her facade. She’s actually very sweet and socially embarrassed, even if it’s hard to notice.



Zeit's birth will never be precisely placed in time. All that is left of the past is the memory of few relatives on her side, being the only ones looking like her.
Her egg hatched a little after someone else's, under the glare of two much older individuals that would devote their time taking care of them. One of the two, Galax, stood up from the rest, being in charge of her education.
The three on her side became her new family, and Galax taught her everything they knew about their surroundings and the human world.
Zeit always looked up to them, and listened to them.
With many years passing, decades, perhaps, Zeit grew up a little, and their parent taught them everything they knew.
Now was the time to learn to become independent.
Zeit knew that, one day, she will eventually live all by herself, and rebuild what is left of her clan. They once told her that they were waiting for a special human to be born. They will be waiting for them in space, and will together become protectors of cosmos.
Zeit always apprehended the day of their departure.

One day, she woke up during the night, hearing sounds next to her. Their parent was getting up in the middle of the night.
Zeit discreetly followed them, until they stopped to an edge of the Nest. They turned around to stare at Zeit with a gentle smile.

“The stars are wonderful tonight. A legend says that if you look closely, you’ll notice that one of them may shine more than the others. You might not see it yet, but soon, you will. And it will be me, looking after you.”

... Zeit opened her eyes.
It was this dream again. It was only her, and her sister Abyss.
Galax was gone forever.
It took so long for her to move on. For years, she stayed alone in the Nest, gazing at the sky at night and refusing any conversation.
One star was shining stronger than the others.

Eventually, she announced her choice of leaving the Nest to Abyss, for her own sake.
She needed to find a new place she could call home, which would stop constantly reminding her of her loss.

She eventually made the choice of moving to a place where tons of humans would be gathered, as Galax told her so much about, which all together made a kind of place defined as a "city".
While not being acquaintanced with their habits at all, Zeit tried to make themselves as unnoticeable as possible.
Their first objective was to find a building seeming abandoned by the locals and settle there, but all they managed to find were places about to collapse the moment they would step inside.
So, her only solution was to set one of the building back in time, to its golden years, to finally get a safe place to stay in.
As expected, however, her tranquil place would soon be under the care of the D.S.S. organisation that heard about the strange alert from the neighbourhood about the recovered building.

young Snakoopa heard someone banging on the door protecting her, which would get brutally opened right away by black-armoured people pointing at her with what she guessed as dangerous weapons.
Too frightened to defend herself and make the situation even messier than it already was, a man, presenting differently than all the others stepped in front of their army, ordering to lower their guns.
The young one felt no malice in the man's eyes, and, as soon as the group cleared out the place, one of the men took the child with them.
Zeit didn't fight back.

Brought into a high secured building, they were guided to a closed room for an interrogatory, facing the head of the D.S.S., mr. Russel, and the one that leaded her here.
Someone as unique and surrounded with mysteries as her needed to be kept under observation because of her young age, and potential danger if ending in bad hands, which settled a deal between her and the man she was facing.
This organisation would take responsibility of her and the building she restored, letting her having a safe place to stay in, in exchange of her cooperation with the organisation.
Not having any other plans, Zeit accepted.

Still heavily distrustful of the whole organisation, Zeit always refused to fully work for them.
She was still considered a young child, so her presence was only requested during safe investigations.
It took long enough for her to warm up to the boss, Mr. Russel, feeling something about him that reminded her a lot of her own family, making him even more complicated to trust.
She was still strongly affected by her loss and loneliness, which eventually showed a more fragile nature around Mr. Russel who only acted with a caring nature toward Zeit, each others ending up sharing more than a simple professional bond.
With years passing, the D.S.S. started to feel like home for Zeit, showing herself more often to the organisation, who saw her growing up.
She trained as best as she could to be of help as soon as they needed her, and she even got to meet Mr. Russel's son, Tristan, an adorable young man that only showed shyness and excitement for his father's organisation.

Yet, the organisation had to take care of important cases, which could be all extremely dangerous.
And one day, the boss himself had to pay the price.
As soon as she entered the D.S.S. headquarters, Zeit learnt from her colleagues that Mr. Russel died in the hospital from his wounds, which internally destroyed the stable situation she slowly built thanks to him.
She once again lost someone she called "family".
But this time, she was an adult, and had no time to fully get over his death.
His son, Tristan, quickly took his place as the new boss of the organisation. As eternal gratitude toward Mr.Russel, she decided to finally accept her title as an official agent from the agency to help her colleagues and new boss.


Zeit grew into a very professional and cold agent, important for the agency.
But her closest colleagues knew something was different with her. She struggled with her mourning, constantly drowning herself with work as a way to cope, sometimes to the point of passing out.
For years, she remained very loyal to the agency, but her demeanour was making her new boss worried for her, sometimes having to take her back home, as she would often fall asleep late at night in her personal office.
Eventually, she opened herself to him, revealing her torments and wish to improve on herself. He was so considerate, something she would always be grateful for.
She listened to his advice, trying to stop overwhelming herself by trying to spend time with her colleagues more, or even adopting a stray cat.
Things slowly started to get better when she discovered some members of her own species were spotted in the city as well, meeting both Cerise and Sparky, with who she grew close to.

But as soon as Tristan lost his wife, Zeit knew they had to support him the way he supported them.
After all, he was very important for her, and would never let herself see the persons she trust fall into the same pit of depression she fell into.
Like family, she often checked on him or his daughter to make sure they were okay.
For Zeit, it was only a strong friendship, as well as returning the help he once gave her. But deep inside, the two shared strong feelings that would be harder to ignore by the day.

Facts to know

  • Zeit’s capacities consist of going back in time, stopping it, fast-forward it, slow it down, etc. They mostly use it during missions, and own a pocket watch to help them minimizing their power effects as much as possible.
  • For missions, Zeit passes as genderless as possible to remain anonymous. They would wear a binder and tie their hair. But they can also do that casually depending on how they feel with their gender identity.
  • Zeit’s ears annoy them when they are in the middle of a mission, as they are hard to hide. However, they remain useful to hear conversations from far away.
  • Born with eyes malfunction, Zeit had to wear glasses her whole life. Her pair was actually given by Mr. Russel during her first meeting with him, difficulties occurring in the interrogation as she couldn't answer properly to some questions related to pictures shown to her.
  • They own a collection of very old objects, such as phones, for example. She is aware she can use new technologies, but she’s so bad with them that she often loses patience in trying to understand how things work.
  • Zeit isn’t very expressive. She hides her emotions extremely well. You may still know how she feels by staring at her ears, which wiggle, fall when experimenting strong emotions.
  • After losing the one they cherished, she has difficulty trusting people or getting attached to them. Yet she can’t resist taking care of children, as she doesn’t want them to feel lonely like her.



Midnight [ Pet ]

Zeit welcomed the little kitten after noticing the black furred animal sleeping against her window every nights, as if he didn't have any home to stay in. When she opened her window, she got surprised by how glad the cat seemed to be, devouring the food she gave him. And then, the cat would naturally come each times Zeit would open her window. Adopting him came naturally after realising he didn't have any collar, or tattoo. The cat always meows at her when she gets home from work, and loves to sleep on her laps, or against her chest in bed.


Tristan [ Boss/ Future boyfriend ]

Zeit officially joined the agency once Tristan got graded as the new boss of the agency. They grew close pretty fast, being the son of the one she once felt a family connection with. He would often lecture her because of her being a huge workaholic, but she’s glad to have him being so nice to her despite having to work hard himself. When night comes, the two may spend time alone together. She never saw him more than a really, really close friend; except one day, his daughter teased them for being intimate. After that the two eventually realised that they had feelings for each others, but kept it as a secret.


Nickol [ Colleague/ Daughter figure ]

The sweetness of a child is one of Zeit's secret weakness, and she quickly grew attached to the teen. After talking deeply with Tristan, he even accepted for his daughter to join the agency, putting the two girls even closer as they had more time to spend together. She struggles a lot with teens language and Nickol always make sure to help, not without mocking how much of a boomer Zeit can be- But overall, they share a bond comparable to family, the agent very protective of the youngest.


Elliot [ Colleague/ Close friend ]

Meeting him when she was still child-looking, Zeit can easily be embarrassed at him teasing her about how she was as her younger self. But after being officially hired, the two grew rather close, often spending their break with each other's company, conversation with him being rather pleasant. They both like each other's professional attitude at work, and make an excellent team work during missions they're both assigned on.


Cleo [ Colleague/ Close friend ]

Zeit always felt respect for Cleo and her work as the "crime-solving forensic scientist", as she knows the exact reason on why she joined the agency in the first place. Even though the vampire is rather silent on the situation, it doesn't stop the two from enjoying working together. They really hopes one day Cleo realises how valuable she is for the DSS and in general.


Glitch [ Colleague/ Good friend ]

Glitch has no idea how thankful Zeit is to have him on her side, often finding herself desperately needing his help as a specialist with technologies, and her being an absolute mess with them. She's yet extremely embarrassed to require his help even for the simplest tasks like entering her password- Truly flustering.


Matt [ Colleague ]

While having no doubt in Tristan's choice in hiring him, Zeit is very much concerned about Matt, sometimes being ordered to keep an eye on him for very obvious reasons which are controlling him in case he disobeys the agency. For now, she thankfully never had to choose violence with him.... Yet.


Scarlett [ Colleague ]

Another one of Zeit's concern, she's surprised to see how the ghost can actually be more than efficient at her job, her sadist nature turning out really handy. Zeit is often asked to keep an eye on her during missions as part of the Big Three, being now used to teaming up with her. She's fairly nice when she's collected, but Zeit would honestly still keep her distance as she honestly looks kind of scary-


Dust [ Colleague/ Nuisance ]

Being part of the Big Three with Elliot, it is natural for Zeit to feel huge respect toward the demon, but honestly cannot get over his attitude, having a liking for chaos. It can be quite funny to see them together, being the complete opposite, even if she'll admit having to stop always acting so professionally.


Iris [ Colleague/ Nuisance ]

Zeit being the guardian of time herself, she took Iris' case extremely personally. She felt outraged that a being such as them dared playing with time itself while she tries her best to keep balance of it. Their attitude not helping either, Zeit acts even colder than she usually is around them, offended that they even dare ask her to manipulate time for them to go back in their right period of time.


Mason [ Former colleague/ Old friend ]

Zeit always found Mason to be a very efficient colleague, as much as being a great person to talk to during coffee breaks. She sadly understood the pain he had to go through when he lost his family, but noticed the obvious change of his personality. The tragic end of her colleague is a pain in the heart, wishing she could have been helpful for Mason as she shared the same experience as him.


Mr. Russel [ Former Boss ]

More than a simple boss, Mr. Russel was the closest person to what Zeit could refer as a father, something she desperately needed in her younger years. She often thinks about him, making sure to always show how thankful for him to have stumble across her life when she visits him at the cemetery. She always makes sure to do a perfect job at everything out of respect for him.


Aeris [ Best friend ]

Despite working stricly for Zephyr, Aeris can be found wandering with Zeit, spending time with each others in the D.S.S. headquarters. Despite their former tensions with Aeris being a criminal, Tristan's received immunity against the law allowed them to know each others deeper, Zeit actually enjoying herself with someone as cultured and interesting as Aeris, feeling sympathy for the path she came through. She still needs to get used to her pet crow however-


Cerise [ Frenemy ]

As soon as she felt the presence of other Snakoopas in the city, Zeit first felt glad to finally meet others like her, like a long lost family. She learnt everything that happened to their clan from Cerise, catching up everything she missed, until learning more about Cerise herself. Her attitude is something that would usually make her back off, sometimes even flirting with her, or even some of her colleagues, which honestly pisses her off. But overall, she's surprised to see how much of a supportive and lovely person Cerise can be, surprising herself by often spending time with her outside their job.


Sparky [ Close friend ]

Being Cerise's daughter, Zeit found a liking for the adorable young adult, even if she struggles with getting used to her being hyper. As soon as she witnessed Sparky calming down when seeing her cat, Zeit decided to let her become her cat sitter when she's too busy with work. With authorisation, she would let her enter the public headquarter of her agency, letting her discussing with her colleagues, specially Nickol being around her age.


Louise [ Close friend ]

Having her under arrest in order to reach her boss, Zephyr, the two weren't supposed to get along. Yet, they eventually did after the situation between both agencies got solved in a mutual agreement. She could see that Louise, despite her criminal record was deprived of bad intentions as the two now spends time together from time to time, on some occasions satisfying her curiosity about the Snakoopa species.


Zephyr [ Threat/Frenemy ]

Having to reach to her was particularly quite tough. Meeting her during a meeting full of tensions with Tristan, she will always remember the look on Zephyr's face. Something sinister, being more than enough to testify all the atrocities she committed before they met. When she comes to the agency, she has no choice but being around, being another Snakoopa herself; but she sadly tries to give that responsibility to her trust worthy friend: Elliot. She really wants to avoid her at all cost, even if Zephyr expresses a certain interest toward Zeit.


Abyss [ Old friend ]

Zeit always considered Abyss as a big sister, being much more prepared to fit the title of new leader than she could ever be. She always admired her for that, while still struggling with Galax's departure. She regrets leaving her alone with such big responsibility that is rebuilding their clan, and regrets every seconds of it; but she always thought she would be more of an obstacle for the great outcome of their people than anything, still "stuck in the past".


Alpha [ "Uncle" ]

Being great friend with Galax, Zeit always looked upon Alpha like another authority figure, while still mainly following Galax's path. They were what she can refers nowadays as a funny uncle, having a weird sense of humour and taking things on the bright side, something Zeit wishes they could have inherit from them. Leaving shortly after Galax, Zeit misses them greatly, even today.


Galax [ Parent ]

Galax looked after her since her day of birth, being the one that taught her everything. The day they left her for their duty as a Guardian, they had no choices but abandoning her with a broken heart. Since then, she never felt like she could ever trust or love someone other than them before working for the D.S.S.. At night, it happens for Zeit to gaze at the sky at night, looking for the shiniest star.