Design + Art TOS



2 years, 7 months ago


Letting y’all know off the bat I’m reaaaally flexible. I mean you can try to get me to change my stance on certain things if you really wanna but it’s stickin’.

Design TOS

+ Feel free to fuckin’ redesign the character all you want. It ain’t even gotta look like the original anymore, so long as you’re having fun dude.

+ Feel free to sell (yes, for money/dA points) any design that I make. I usually don’t take money for my adopts (yet), so feel free to freebie flip or whatever lol, people need money to live, right? It’d be cool if you have the OC some extra art before doin’ so but it ain’t a requirement.

+ Feel free to draw NSFW of my non feral designs. I will admit that the knowledge of feral NSFW makes me uncomfortable, but if the design is human or anthro? Feel free dude, get your fuckin’ rocks off lol. (Small note, I’m currently 17 if it bothers you making porn of a minors design, I guess. it’d be your character at that point but people have their gripes /shrug)

My designs have full commercial rights. You don’t have to buy the rights from me, turn your children into marketable plushies lol

- Please do not heavily inspire a design off of mine unless the design you’re referring is yours and you’re trying to make like, a twin sibling or something.

- Please do not draw my designs with Nazi propaganda, as a Pedophile, or a Zoophile. Slurs that you can reclaim? Sure, but none of the stuff listed. (The character can do other horrendous things just not these ok)

- Do not draw NSFW of Ferals or Children! I already stated it before but it’s getting a fucking whoop around for the people in the back.

- Personal gripe but if it ever gets to that point please do not call any design I make a Waterdog, that closed species makes me grr. I’ll explain at the very bottom since I’m on mobile and can’t do much formatting. So uh, here’s an aesterisk* for notation purpose.


+ Feel free to have my art as icons!

+ Feel free to edit my art for alternate palletes, icons, AMVs, fuckin Fancams bro, I don’t care lol. Well, edit my art all you want with one limitation.

• Credit is appreciated, but not required. I guess.

- My art is for personal use only. Once you pay for it, it’s yours, so don’t go selling it around for extra chump change.

- If I specifically Art traded the piece in particular, do not add it to the character’s value tracker.

- If and/or when I make a watermark/signature, if the piece has the marking, you are not allowed to edit it out purposefully.

*I simply don’t like water dogs because they’re such a simple idea and yet a closed species. Like, hey, here’s this dog with water on its body somewhere. Like. That’s it. No anatomy changes, no nothing. I mean, I’ll admit, I’m not a fan of most closed species on a concept level (the lore is usually not that interesting to me as well), but I’m not gonna purposely offbrand a waterdog out of spite. That being said, if I ever make a dog with water on it, if you call it a waterdog, you are going to have to catch a motherfucking chancla /p /lh /hj