


6 years, 9 months ago


Theme song: Make you love me

Name: Kite

Age: 365+

Species: Grey(alien species)

Gender: female

Height: 4'5"

Occupation: Assistant

                 (used to be a janitor)

Abilities: psionic(strong)


Quirks: dim witted,(has a hard time understanding most of Osprey's plans), has random  

           moments of genius though. Can usually figure something out if

          she tinkers with it doesnt talk anly uses telepathy, has lower arms and legs cut off

           wears long gloves and robotic prosethic that she uses her psionics

           to control, has a small crush on her superior(even though he treats her like shit)

          has a fear of small dark rooms. eats when shes sad

Likes: Osprey, praise(doesnt hear it often), cleaning, seeing her superior(Osprey)naked,

         cartoons, snacks, picture books, hugs, baths(uses her psionics to get in and out)


Dislikes: small dark rooms, Messing up/making messes, failing(usually resulting in something    

            painful for her), getting hurt/talked down to.


Kite was just your ordinary janitor grey til some random tall grey male dragged her off to irk.

she is currently the assistant/lackey/minion-test subject of Osprey. Often getting beaten or talked down to by the taller grey.

She's grown a kinda Stockholm syndrome towards her superior. Craving ant sort of positive reaction from him.

she's usually the one to try and finish his plans but not really understanding what they are she tends to mess up.

she is however surpisingly smart when it comes to figuring out small puzzles or things she has to do with her "hands".