


6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Crow

Age: 900+

Species: Grey

Gender: male, intersex

Height: 4’1”

Sexuality: Asexual

Occupation: hacker

                      Former engineer

Abilities: strong psionics, can faze his

                body to walk through walls

Relationship(s):Tirv(genetic son)

                            Gram(only Irken he

                            tolerates/considers a


Quirks: blind, has to have special

             glasses that tap into his

             psionics, doesn’t speak


             shouts into others minds

             when he has something to

             say. rambles to themselves

             mentally. Reclusive, only

             travels at night, has frequent

             headaches from low lights

             and constant psionic


Likes:quiet places, computers,

           working on small electronics or

           coding, hot chocolate,

           blueberry muffins, being warm,

           strategical games, dark

           colors(can see them better)

           greys,Heels(likes how they click)

Dislikes: most of not all irkens, cold,

               needles,  crowds, other

               species in general, messy

               wires, loud noises,



Crow was the engineer on a vessel that crashed on a planet near Irk, 750 years back. It was a small ship with a crew of 5 Greys. Crow was sadly the only survivor.

The grey had been injured by the blast from the engine room at the time of the crash. The intense brightness of the core having burnt his retinas taking his Inky blue eyes and turning the dull gray. 

During the time of the crash an Irken science team was visiting looking for a good specimen for their current project(which happened to be creating an Irken-Alien hybrid).

 Crow was at the wrong place at the right time. The stronger of the irkens were able to drag him back with them to the science facility.

The irkens preformed many tests. Taking vials of his blood for their experiments. They had been very excited by their find, knowing that his species were generally powerful psionics. 

Crow spent hours upon days strapped to a cold operating table. His strength was building, abet slowly due to the constant injections.

 The were always a high ranking psionic, even as a youngling. Which he was still by Grey standards. Biding his time til one of them were careless.

It took roughly 5 years. But his strength had grown enough to make the escape. He’d known it would take most of not all his psionic strength to leave.

 Vibrating his molecules, he fazed through the straps binding him. Hitting the irkens present with a psionic blast, killing one and scrambling the brain of the other. 

Those acts took most of his strength, leaving him with just enough to slip through the wall. Making it to a small ship on route to Irk. Though at the time he had no idea where it was going.

Crow knew he’d need to replenish his strength, slipping silently from the ship upon reaching Irk. Finding a small abandoned home, 

he slipped into the basement putting himself into a deep psionic sleep. It lasted several hundred years. 

Yet even though his body was physically sleeping, his mind was wandering. Sometimes looking through the eyes of others to see what was going on.

He was awaken 400 years later, his body having fully healed save for his eyes. Though he wasn’t too worried about it. Knowing that there were ways to fix his blindness. 

He’d actually been dwelling on this little problem for a good portion of his sleep. Coming up with a solution when he’d seen some of the inhabitants wearing technologically enhanced headgear. Using a pair of cyber glasses, he tapped his psionics into them. Enabling him to see through the screen. They were his first among many to be made.

Crow met his one and really only Irken that he’d consider a friend when he was 810 years old. The Irken, Gram, had unwittingly bought the house he was squatting in. Not being Irken or trusting Irkens he hadn’t really done much in the way of buying it from the locals. Instead, he used his psionics to disguise the basement entrance making it look like a solid wall to non psionic’s. It had been quite the shock for both when they discovered the Other.

They were untrusting of the other for quite some time. But eventually learned how to coexist. Even going so far as to having a sorta friendship.