Hera, The Grox Empress



2 years, 9 months ago



Orderly . Highly Intelligent . Cold . Calculating

Name Grox Empress Hera
Pronouns She/her
Age 45 (doesn't age)
DoB September 16th
Gender Female
Height 5'
Species Grox
Occupation Tyrannical dictator
Home The planet Oboss
Theme TBD


Hera is the grand high empress of all the Grox. She lives in a tall tower on Oboss, the Grox capital planet, and never leaves. However, she is everywhere. Her voice speaks through city intercoms, cybernetic earpieces, and space ship control panels. Her face is plastered everywhere from posters in alleyways to large screens in city squares. She gives the morning announcements, sells products with her name on them, and gives "advice" to her people, reminding them of the rules. She is seen as a mother figure or a friend or sister to her people. She seems to treat them all well. They're happy and fed. So everything's perfect, right?


Before the Grox empire was such a mighty force in the galaxy, they inhabited just a few planets near the core. Their homes were often destroyed by enemies, and they themselves were far weaker in terms of their genetics. Though other species had sharp claws and teeth with which to defend themselves, the Grox relied only on their brain power. But that was just it. All they needed was a new angle. A new philosophy.

The head of the Grox empire, at the time, was a male named Ganymede. He decided that for the good of his species, he would step down, and citizens would elect a new leader who could give the empire the mindset shift it needed. People began their campaigns, all worthy candidates, Grox who were already well known in politics. Many were mayors, or even higher up.

But the candidate no one saw coming was Hera. If that was even her real name. She came out of nowhere, but when she spoke, everyone listened. She said she was a common person just like them. She told them this hunger, this fear, this chaos would end. That the Grox were mightier than everyone thought-- a chosen species, even. Their brain power could take them anywhere. All they needed was order, organization, a system to optimize their power. This system would give everyone a job. Everyone would be needed and necessary. No one would be left out.

Hera used the empire's fear to her advantage. She seemed to understand the pain these people were going through, and their disappointment when they worked so hard and got so little back. When their family members died in unforseen attacks. Nothing was predictable. Nothing was familiar. Hera gave the Grox people the familiarity they so craved. She would talk to them like they were close friends. She seemed to empathize.

She won by a landslide.


  • External validation
  • Reading a good magazine (with her face on it)
  • Dressing to impress
  • Spa treatments
  • Parties, as long as they're located somewhere in the tower
  • Making an impression
  • Being in charge


  • Anyone who's a threat, Grox or not
  • Leaving the tower
  • Not getting what she wants
  • Other species/empires
  • Rules, unless she writes them
  • Animals


  • Knitting and crocheting
  • Having brunch every day with her cabinet
  • Hanging pictues of herself on the wall of her office
  • Interior design
  • Dressing up and designing outfits




Always has brunch at the same time every morning. The food is prepared by the best chefs around. Hera will take the elevator down to the dining room and sit with her cabinet. She treats them like good friends.

Her tower is huge, with many different rooms and floors, all gaudily fernished. There is a spa, multiple dining rooms, suites for members of her cabinet to live, a library, a movie theater, and more places I'm probably forgetting. The first floor is open to the public, with a lobby, a gift shop, a museum and a restaurant.

She lives on the very top floor of the tower.

Lawful evil.





Zathura, despite being a soft spoken individual, has earned a place on Hera's "Threat List." Hera doesn't like anyone teaching things that don't align with the empire's values.




The members of Hera's cabinet are treated very well. They really trust her and see her as a friend more than a ruler. Hera, however, sees them as a stepping stone towards her goals. They do whatever she wants. She has them wrapped around her finger.




Hera is fond of Io, although Io isn't aware that Hera knows she exists. In Hera's eyes, Io is a model citizen, always doing her bidding. Io has done so much for the good of the species and the expansion of the empire. A promotion might be in order.