


3 years, 4 months ago



Chaotic . Snarky . Impulsive . Adventurous . Unstructured

Name Admiral Io (eye-oh)
Pronouns She/her
Age 18
DoB May 4th
Gender Female
Height 4'9"
Species Grox
Occupation Space Admiral
Home The planet Yanzarth
Theme TBD



Io is a teenage Grox admiral, and one of the many pilots in charge of her species' space exploration around the galaxy. Seeing as the Grox are a very territorial species with an ever-expanding empire, her main jobs seem to involve communicating (poorly) with other empires, as well as finding new planets to colonize. She does, however, do a lot of "research" for the Grox, which may or may not revolve around abducting people, stealing precious artifacts, and just generally being a dick. Io is the perfect person for this job, as she's daring and seemingly fearless, always diving head first into new situations without hesitation. She has gotten herself into a pickle a few times, however, since she's too impulsive for her own good. She's gone through worm holes and ended up on the other side of the galaxy, she's eaten all kinds of weird foods, and she's talked to (read: threatened) many potentially dangerous empires. Being a very proud Grox, Io is always rude to these empires and sees herself and her species as superior. Io is an adventurer through and through, never stopping to consider the consequences of her impulsive behavior. One wrong move, and she'll be stranded in space!

Like most other Grox, Io doesn't have a strong sense of morality. She lies and cheats and steals a lot, even sometimes going so far as to destroy entire planets. She thinks it's fun and treats it like a game. Io has a lot of chaotic energy that goes in all different directions. She enjoys blowing things up and setting things on fire.

Although Io seems cocky and conceited on the surface, she does have major trust issues and secretly has low self-esteem. She's a little bit bitter and has a lot of pent up anger at the universe. Because of this anger, she will not hesitate to call people out on their BS, or what she considers to be BS. She can go from seeming like a harmless jokester, to completely tearing down someone's self esteem so fast it's scary.


Io spent her early childhood on her home planet, Polaya. Growing up as a Grox was dangerous and unstructured, so she spent most of her time unsupervised, playing with friends and roaming wherever she pleased. She had many near-death expiriences, and they were common enough for her to get used to them. At one point, her home planet was destroyed by a pop-up rival empire, however this empire was quickly pulverized. Whatever. There were many planets just like Polaya that the Grox inhabited, so she and her family moved to one of them. For her, it was about as big of a deal as moving to a different house a couple streets down. Her new home, planet Yanzarth, was where she spent the rest of her childhood and early teenage years. Io was always a good student, since it was her goal to become a spaceship pilot.

When she turned sixteen, she attended the Groxworth Institute of Space Travel. She worked very hard, carefully annihilating the competition. Io is technically a doctor, having earned a PhD in astrobiology. After she finished school, she trained for a concerningly short period of time and then was given the position of captain on a small spaceship. She quickly became bored of traveling the Grox Empire's territory near the galactic core, so she worked her way up the ranks until she was allowed to travel the whole galaxy.


  • The view of the stars
  • Finding ruins of cities on new planets
  • Her job
  • Narrow escapes
  • Messing with people and teasing people
  • Junk food
  • Freedom to go anywhere and do anything she wants


  • Animals, except for to study
  • Trusting people with anything
  • Opening up to people and forming any kind of close bond
  • Feeling inferior
  • Losing at card games
  • Authority figures


  • Exploring, playing around with things, expiriencing things firsthand
  • Playing laser tag with real lasers
  • Having a car chase but with her spaceship
  • Dancing to loud music
  • Climbing things, hiding behind things, running from people
  • Collecting space rocks




Io is that one friend where if something crazy happens it always happens to her.

Always has a can on hand of the Grox's equivalent of sour cream and onion Pringles.

Keeps a daily log on her computer of what she got done. Often fills it with the lyrics to whatever song is stuck in her head.

Secretly sleeps with stuffed animals at night.

Her alignment is chaotic evil.

Probably does something that breaks the galactic code on the daily.





Zathura is a professor at the Groxworth Institute of Space Travel, where she teaches evolutionary biology. Although Io finds it hard to develop any sort of bond, Zathura was always her favorite professor.


Mother & Father


Grox family dynamics are very different than our own. There's a certain level of emotional detachment Io feels towards her family. They are simply the people who watched her during her early years, nothing more.


The Grox Empress

tyrannical dictator

The Grox Empress, Hera, lives in a tall tower on Obos, the Grox Empire's capital planet. She never seems to leave her tower, but at the same time, she's everywhere. Her voice speaks through city intercoms, space ship contol panels, and ear pieces on her people's cypernetics. She reminds citizens of laws, sells products with her name on them, and gives "advice." Her face is plastered everywhere. Io sees Empress Hera as a constant friend, always there to give the morning announcements.