
2 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:


Other Names:



Genderfluid (they/she/he interchangeably)








Ash & Dust

Creation Date:

May 21st 2021


The renowned owner of Cyanide's Circus, a wasteland pit-fighting coliseum only a little ways outside a Hi-tech city. They collect all sorts of misfits, captives, and rejects and house them in their coliseum as fighters. They're perhaps not the most morally sound, but Cyanide's a showman running a business, not a bleeding heart.

Cy runs her establishment on a tight schedule and caters to Hi-techs and wastelanders alike. She treats her consensual constituents well - they're Cy's actors, after all - and is fair about keeping promises of release to people she... um, purchases. She's a shrewd businessman but is always willing to make deals, and is easily tempted by spectacle. A fair number of fighters brought to Cyanide are captured Hi-techs, wandering out of the city into the grasp of bandits and other wastelanders looking to make a quick buck. Many of her prized fighters are even disgraced competitors from the city's blood-sport system, kicked out of their leagues after their instincts got the better of them outside the ring.

Before his coliseum, Cyanide grew up a scrapper, and it shows in his knowledge of machinery and robotics. He collects broken bots and drones when he can get his hands on them and fixes them up himself to use in the arena - though depending on the opponent, they don't always make it back out of a fight in a salvageable state, so Cy's always in the market for more.

Cy is flamboyant and loves anything ostentatious; they change their look up constantly and revel in feeling glamorous and important. They're cunning and always know how to get what they want, and while they don't technically lie much, they make a habit of exploiting loopholes and "you didn't ask"s. Despite being willing to lay tracks for long-haul schemes, they can be quite impatient, and really don't take kindly to being told no.

Social Connections

Trace - top fighter; former Hi-tech Terminator League champion
Reed - top fighter; disgraced Terminator League fighter
Henri - ex-boyfriend. still sour about it, thought mostly because Henri's famous and won't stop getting in their business
Teagan - Hi-tech they purchased and Henri stole from them. fair and square, but stole. rude
Hinata - promising prospective fighter sold to them

World Context

The world ended around 300 years ago, give or take, depending on where you'd like to calculate the end of the end to be. Civilization slowly crumbled under a brutal barrage of seemingly every possible apocalypse (natural disasters, polluted resources, world war,) over the course of fifty-some-odd years and now it's a lawless wasteland like the good ole days. No human culture is truly back on its feet, but the wasteland is coming back to life: nature is rebounding en force and many established settlements and factions are doing well for themselves. Plenty of people still roam as survivor crews living off the land, but overall, the memory of the apocalypse itself has passed and a new norm has settled in.

This isn't to say everything is perfect - remnants of war efforts and catastrophic pollution have still left their calling cards, among other things. Rogue robots wander and kill at their leisure and the sky is blanketed in thick, permanent cloud cover. Assholes run rampant in the form of bandits, militia, and dystopian cityfolk continuing the old ways - it's still called "the wasteland" for a reason. But the world and humanity are healing, slowly but surely.

The primary narrative of Ash & Dust happens out in the wasteland with a misfit band of "scrappers:" folks that scavenge technological scrap and will hunt robots, drones, and even cyborgs to break them down for parts. They're not self-sustaining and trade their catches with local settlements on the regular. Like any rogueish wasteland bands, they value their freedom and members often come and go as they please while finding their calling.

> 5'11" at most

> prefers pronouns mixed variably, but one per sentence/thought

Abilities (?)
> none of note yet

♪♪ associated music? its a lil basic lol ♪♪

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Primary Notes
> both sides of their head are buzzed short (since i have chronic facing left syndrome LOL)
> false eyelashes are important!
> wears acrylic nails
> shoulder tats on their right, forearm and cheek tattoos on their left

> ear piercings are symmetric, nose bridge isn't

Other Stuff
> lean mean fighting machine (sexy)
> they're a big fashionista so you're welcome to invent an outfit for them! they like ostentatious, revealing things and, more casually, leather with fishnets

Flamboyant showman and massive attention whore. they know what they're about and its me, me, me <3