


6 years, 9 months ago



Name Akane Redwood
Age 17 (Sept. 18th - Virgo)
OccupationFlower/herb shop owner
Orientationstraight ace
Home DimensionDreamscape
RaceKemeno (Fox)



  • gardening
  • collecting bugs, rocks, plants, etc.
  • the number 7
  • Autumn
  • Dandelions
  • Mint choc chip ice cream


  • social interaction
  • surprises
  • being wrong
  • meat
  • germs


  • Quiet, skittish, cautious, perfectionistic, anxious
  • passionate, loyal and protective
  • Loves outdoors, nature, animals and is interested in learning about it. Very intelligent, and loves studying plants and animals. He loves collecting things like animal bones, rare plants and insects. He has many jars and books with these specimens and finds it fascinating. 
  • Has a parasitic Nightmare/Terror that uses him as a host.

*He is ace, but not aro. He also finds Usagi beautiful, but is not sexually attracted to her and has sex aversion. He does love cuddling. Some older art has a bit more touchy-feely poses but its not accurate anymore*


He was found in the forest by the Faes and was taken in. There, he learned about healing magic, and made it his mission to master it and become a great healer. It didn't come to him as easily as it did to the Faes, but he worked hard nevertheless. Some Faes didn't really accept him, but many were very kind. He ended up living in a treehouse near the main city, and then set up a garden shop. He would care for a beautiful herb, vegetable, and flower garden and sell his harvests. He worked on potions and perfecting their recipes. Over time, however, the parasitic Nightmare took more and more control of him. It whispered to him, and broke him down mentally over time. It would consume his soul slowly, not enough to kill him, but leaching light from his soul. This is how he developed an ED, and he began to isolate himself a lot.

Saved TK from the Nightmare that attacked him and took care of him. Decided to help TK and Anora as a guide through the Dreamscape to help them on their journey. At first, he doesn't tell them that he is also infected. It slowly eats away at him throughout the story, and maybe they don't find out about it until too late...

Struggles with an Anorexia Nervosa, OCD and Insomnia.


  • Has a notebook where he logs the bugs/plants he finds, and also collects bugs and plants.
  • His name is Akane because of his naturally ginger hair, which he uses magic to color mint-blue.
  • Has a bag of 7 lucky stones that he brings everywhere for comfort
  • Symbols
    • Animal: Butterfly (or fox lmao)
    • Flower: White Rose
  • Special Moves
    • Healing Herbs: uses plant healing magic out of his hands and can heal small wounds and scrapes. 
    • Full Bloom: Surrounds allies in Plant Magic, both providing a shield and augmenting their Light Magic power. 
    • Poison Rot: Can infuse items with poison. Uses Dark Magic.
    • Dawn of Spring: a more powerful healing spell that drains a lot more Light Magic. Can heal more major wounds like severe gashes, injured organs, and broken bones. 


  • 5'7"
  • very thin
  • originally ginger but dyes his hair mint blue with magic (and when he weakens, the blue fades or goes away)
  • trans male (top surgery)
  • two moles/birthmarks on his face
  • very light blue/gray eyes
  • Opt. fox ears and tail (can retract them)



Usagi [ partner ]

Balances out her passion with calm, and feels incredibly supported by her, loves her confidence. He is almost never attracted to anyone, but she is the exception. Very romantic, and loves cuddling (but not further).

TK [ friend ]

Guide for him through the Dreamscape, finds him annoying at times but truly wants to help him.

Anora [ friend ]

Guide for her as well, finds her to be a bit loud and unpredictable but he appreciates her cheerfulness in difficult situations.

Haruko [ little sister]

Protective of her, even though she constantly drives him up the wall. 

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