


3 years, 2 days ago


Name efrem kir campanus
Nickname n/a
Race raen au'ra
Gender male
Age ???
D.O.B. ??? (??/??)
Height 7 fulms, 4 ilms (7'04")
Occupation researcher
Orientation bi (fem pref)
Status taken
Headcanon Voice [ ]
Theme Song [ ]

job sage
origin werlyt
title keeper of knowledge

  • has a long blue tongue.
  • muscular build.
  • has red markings around his eyes.
  • red markings around his eyes.
  • has two scars across his chest and a gunshot scar under his chest.
  • big fat tail.
  • almost always has glasses.
  • slitted pupils.
  • sharp teeth with large fangs.
  • long tail.

"out with it, i have research to do."

a bookworm aura who spends most of his time nose deep in books and research. he studies aether along with many other things. though, that doesn't mean he can't fight. when necessary, he brings support to the battlefield. he's rather unapproachable, but he's a decent fellow if his shell can be cracked.


born in terncliff, efrem lived peacefully with his family. as a child, he would help his parents with chores or he would be nose deep in books if aurel didn't come and bother him to play. the books he read were about healing magic, and he found he had a talent for it. when he wasn't doing anything else, it was what he practiced the most. efrem lived a relatively peaceful life until the garleans invaded werlyt, killing his family and taking both him and his brother away from terncliff.

in garlemald, efrem was used as a medic instead of a test subject. he was assigned the duty of healing test subjects that were injured during tests in order to keep them alive for future tests, as to not lose progress. during this time he was forced to watch his brother go through a multitude of tests and patch him up after. once aurel escaped, efrem followed shortly after.


seafood, fish

warm weather, the sun



cold weather, snow

stains, ruined books

  • has good night vision. he still needs glasses though, sadly.
  • unironically eats archon loafs after learning the recipe for it. though he has recently picked up cooking due to a certain someone.
  • loves any and all seafood dishes, his favorite however is salmon muffins.
  • exercises to stay in shape so he can keep up on the battle field. otherwise, he's usually just reading books and doing research.
  • has a bad habit of just binge reading and forgetting to take breaks.
  • extremely good with his hands, he's very good at handling small things.
  • a bit of a heavy sleeper, especially during the winter time.
  • though most of his time is spent inside, sometimes he likes to read outside in the sunlight.
  • huffs and sighs... a lot.