


6 years, 8 months ago


havent thought of a good "real" name yet but anyways.. its probably something funny like Cornelius

Despite his never changing look of death he can be kindhearted, but he will never show his sensitive side to anyone

He almost never speaks, and when he does he's usually making a sarcastic rhetoric.  You'll never hear him laugh, he comes off to most as rude and pretentious, but really just likes to keep to himself. He is very secretive about his personal life (he tries to look mysterious, but in reality he's just embarrassed he has a uncool, normal family that doesn't understand him) He struggles relating to others his age, and his only close friend is Eli – which is humbling enough.

He lives with his mom, dad, and little brother, all of which he silently loathes. He can't wait to move out and live in Paris or London or someplace cool

He loves animals (especially snakes, which he has a deep connection with) and has his own secret space where he likes to "garden" (mostly weeds and dead plants) and feed stray cats.  

He wears almost all black clothing, and frequently wears strange or outrageous outfits.  He has a great appreciation for fashion, and has hidden hopes of being a fashion designer or model someday.  He also likes to wear jewelry (usually sterling silver) and always wears his cross earrings. Is online acquantices with a few Insta baddies thats hes trying to use as leverage to get connections in the fashion industry, which he ends up comparing himself to constantly and feels inferior to

Of course, since he is a goth (he tries to emulate 80's goth culture most of the time) he hates preps and jocks

his theme song is Evelyn by Clan of Xymox

o ya he has a playlist too heehee