The Mad Alchemist (modern au)



1 year, 9 months ago


Rather than a disgraced alchemist turned surgeon turned monster, the mad alchemist lived life among others, never fleeing society. He grew up normally, went to school normally, and majored in chemistry and alchemy. He didnt get the research positions he had aspired for and resentfully settled with teaching as a university professor. He prided himself in his course difficulty and made things as hard as possible for his students, wanting only the "best" to shine through him. Continuously disappointed with his peers and their rejection of his methods left him isolated socially, which was his preference but the lack of admiration made him seethe in private. He attempted to anonymously publish(as to not jeopardize his already precarious standing with the university) theories on polychirium use in medicine, a highly taboo subject. His papers were met with criticism and seen as pointless hypotheticals due to the lack of ethical concern within his proposals. Enraged and stifled, he in this universe as well decided to take matters into his own hands. If his peers refused to explore the world of possibility before them because of something like "ethics" he would do it himself. He ran his experiments in the basement of his own home, he lived alone but he wanted to be able to easily hide the entrance to prevent any accidental discoveries of his DIY lab. He practiced on stray animals in the neighborhood and purchasing supplies using his alchemists license, or at times delving into shadier sources. He eventually started using people he figured no one would miss, preying on the vulnerable transients who took his hospitality as compassion before realizing his true nature. His research culminated in the chimera, who would ultimately cause his downfall. His mistake as he sees it was allowing them to be polluted by the world, too much television too many books he was too lenient with them too careless. They craved a romanticized version of the world enough to turn in their own father but it is the world that portrayed itself as so desirable that he blames. During the infamous trial he refused to accept any plea deals his lawyers worked towards and represented himself, which went about as well as youd expect. His defense position was so inflammatory and callous that during his closing argument the mother of one of his victims made it through the courtroom to choke him and no bailiff stepped in until it was obvious she intended to kill him. Some argue they should have let her, he has scars around his neck from her nails. He was given 24 consecutive life sentences, one for each victim he attempted to devalue the life of in his defense. His actual body count is unknown, he refuses to give the families anything including confirmation or denial of his part in the fate of their loved ones. He refuses to give any information on the location of the remains of his victims. Chimera has no contact with him, but he thinks theyll come back to him eventually and he plans to welcome them when they do. 


Chimera- Much like the original story his relationship with them was idyllic when they were small and ignorant but shortly after they were given their human head they began to notice things amiss in their small world. Things he had told them didnt add up and they were held only a hairs breadth away from other people. They literally could see the streets and homes around them from within their own home, though they were never permitted to go outside. During the day their father locked them in their basement room which was well lit and lovingly furnished but a prison to them nonetheless. Unlike regular chimera, they never socialized with their fathers victims as he kept them in other parts of the house and heavily sedated at all times. They began to turn on him much sooner than their canon counterpart and by their early 20s took the first opportunity to alert authorities something was amiss, a concept they had discovered from a movie. This betrayal made mad alchemist incredibly bitter towards them and frustrated by his own failures in parenting. He made sure his thoughts were known to them during the trial but he could not look at them as they testified against him. He was enraged that the court had turned his own child against him and was disgusted that they would be led to say the things they said about him. He attempted to have their testimony dismissed but had no real basis for his argument. After the trial he was temporarily reassured that they would come back to him when they came to visit him of their own free will because they said they missed him. His relief was short lived when they refused to assist him in arranging a retrial and recanting their testimony. He was genuinely heartbroken to see just how deeply they had been polluted by the world, so much so that they were made to think they hate him. He wishes he were able to reach out to them and it makes his stomach twist in knots knowing he isnt there to steer them in the right direction anymore. He loses sleep over whats become of them. 

-he constantly wore gloves even before replacing his hand so no one realized he had done it
-he was arrested during a lecture and made a big scene of it
-used to wear heeled boots that made him 6'3" instead of 5'11"
-has absolutely published "his side" of the story
-refuses to assist in any recovery of his victims purely out of spite
-when searching his home the authorities found stacks upon stacks of yearbooks from highschools all across the state with teenagers around chimeras age who looked like him circled and labeled.
-he thinks his fans are stupid because theyre usually conspiracy theorists or think they can fix him and he already told the facts and doesnt need fixing so he doesnt need the approval of people who cant even see that
-is held in solitary confinement because everyone wants to kill him (either because of his crimes or because he is just insufferable)
-misses chimera very badly and gets nauseous thinking about them being part of a world he hates so deeply