Adela von Walachei



6 years, 8 months ago



~600 (appears in her late 20's)
November 20
Romanian, German, a little English
Voice Type
Relationship Status

Baronin Adela von Walachei is a noble blooded vampire with a highly independent nature and a wandering spirit. To the dismay of her relatives, she often does and says bold things that cause them to freak out. Her exposure to vampires like Friederich is also a cause of concern for them. However, she is completely capable, and not bothered by the petty things her family worries about.

Appearance Notes

Her eyebrows are forked, a characteristic of all the vampires in her family. She might have the heeled boots for more formal occasions (very rarely), but has more appropriate travel boots with low heels for better mobility.

Adela rejected the lifestyle of nobility and opted for adventure outside. She eventually meets Friederich, who upsets her family because they think he is a bad influence on her. Contact with him in actuality did not change her but instead, she had actually wanted to meet different, unique vampires like Friederich. She ignores the concerns of her family as petty and not worth bothering about. Most of her noble family eventually shuns her for setting a bad example on her siblings, who attempt to follow in her footsteps (except for the youngest one, who stays behind and leads a relatively normal, if somewhat boring noble vampire life). As a result of her choice, she has not returned to her homeland, continuing to stay primarily in Germany. The only "contact" she has with her family is the "trophies"* she sends back to them.

* Dead bodies, corpses of giant monsters on her adventures and other gruesome things she encounters on her travels.

Skills & Abilities


As with many vampires, Adela is capable of regenerating her flesh, provided she is not under sunlight. Her fighting style is such that she prefers not to use this if she can avoid it by being a smarter, quicker fighter.
Cat Familiar

Her familiar takes the form of a cat. She typically transforms into a red striped cat, but can also summon other cats. In previous centuries, the cats were looked upon with distrust and suspicion, due to superstitions. In modern times, however, the cats themselves are fairly good at deceiving humans, as they make for innocent, adorable looking pets, and she sometimes uses them to observe humans. Because cats can see in the dark, Adela also uses them to move around in dark places with no light. In battle, the cats can be flung at enemies to scratch and immobilize them. She can also summon a larger demon cat that has no definite form and can squeeze through almost any opening. The demon cat can also devour its enemies, causing them to lose their souls.

Adela's demonic form is slightly physically more powerful than her regular form, and significantly faster. She is so fast that even humans trained for combat cannot follow her movements. Her magical spells also increase effectiveness. She's also fairly flexible, owing to a modified bone structure that allows them to detach.
Creation & Conception

Adela was originally created in a random picture with Friederich and then given a more consistent design. She went through a few iterations where she originally was wearing a skirt, but I thought that was a little bit too conservative, so I gave her stockings and boots instead. The boots were originally supposed to be modelled after the riding boots Alucard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night wears, but they don't really fit well with her being acrobatic and mobile, so they're just more like regular boots with low heels. I wanted her to be her own character, so while she's certainly more than friends with Friederich, she still has her own backstory and still has plenty of history without Friederich. She's nearly twice as old as he is anyways. I admittedly suck at drawing females, so she might look somewhat more androgynous than I intend to, and I think the closest depiction I have of her that I'm happiest with is that picture in the avatar. But on the other hand, she's not some curvy diva either, so I wanted her to have a more athletic build without seeming like she's on steroids or something.

As for the name, I just picked a nice sounding European name.


  • Adela is one of the few characters canonically to call Friederich "Fritz". Most characters are simply too afraid to consider giving him a nickname.