


6 years, 9 months ago


Up To No Good
The Hoosiers

01 — Profile

Name Masumi
Nicknames Mimi
Age 19
Gender Female (she/her)
Height 5'4
Birthdate 7/14
Species Tabby Cat
Oriet. Bisexual
Occupation College Student

Status NFT
Designer azula
Worth $87
  • Please don't draw her in her uniform unless asked otherwise!

02 — Personality

A delinquent. Masumi is rough around the edges and only has a soft spot for a few people. She attends a magic college while living with her parents. She has a foul mouth and nasty personality, but tries not to be as rude as she comes off as.


  • punk/goth clothes

  • rock music

  • sleeping

  • being listened to


  • her parents

  • heavy clothes

  • teachers

  • citrus

03 — Background

When Masumi was younger, she was very studious and got amazing grades. But as she got older, she struggled to keep up with school. Her parents scolded her often for not being as good as she used to be. Around 6th grade, she got fed up with her parents belittling her and ran away into the woods, where she ran into Mortis who attacked her, leaving a scar on her chest. terrified, she immediately ran back to her parents, tears running down her face. They scolded her, telling her she was an idiot for running away and that next time the punishment would be more severe. They brushed off her wound as her doing it to herself for attention.

Feeling like she would never gain her parents approval, she had basically given up on on her studies by highschool. Though she had given up, she met her now best friend Chikari during her last year. She found Masumi struggling to study in the library one day after school and tutored her for the next final. Masumi generally didn't like other people, but found it very easy to talk to Chikari. They hit it off immediately and started hanging out more. With time, Masumi found herself falling for Chikari.

One day at Chikari's house, she said she wanted to introduce Masumi to a friend of her's. They ventured out behind the house into the very same woods where Masumi had tried to run away when she was younger. They stopped at a small cottage and knocked on the door, where Mortis opened and smiled when he saw Chikari. From that day on Masumi kept trying to warn Chikari about what Mortis did to her when she was younger, and even showed her the scar. Chikari brushed her off, saying it must have just been a misunderstanding. The three continued hanging out together, though Masumi joined begrudgingly.

When Masumi just barely graduated, her parents threatened to kick her out unless she went to college. So she decided to attend the same college as Chikari, which happened to be a magic college. She studied enough to stay enrolled, but spent most of her time hanging around behind the main building of the school. One day the honors student, Bellatrix, came across her smoking during break and proceeded to scold her. She continued to come to scold her every day at the same place.

One day after Chikari and Masumi were leaving Mortis' house, Masumi once again began to tell Chikari about how dangerous he was and how she should stay away from him. At this point, Chikari finally snapped and gave Masumi a piece of her mind. She told Masumi that she wouldn't be friends with her until she apologized to her and Mortis. The next day at school, Bellatrix found her in her usual spot, this time sulking. The honors student comforted her in her time of need. It had taken a few days, but Masumi finally worked up the courage to apologize to Chikari and Mortis. They had started to get along as real friends after that, though Masumi was still jealous of Mortis for winning the affections of Chikari.

Bellatrix and Masumi continued to meet behind the school every day, and eventually started to hang out as real friends. They started to spend time together outside of college, and Masumi found herself developing feelings for Bellatrix. After a few months they started dating. When Masumi's parents found out she was dating another girl, they threatened to kick her out. Bellatrix found out, and immediately let Masumi stay with her. They now live together.

04 — Trivia

  • Masumi's favorite game is FFXIV.

  • She can be quite studious if she tries.

05 — Relationships

love interest

An honor's student who took an interest in Masumi. They often got on eachothers nerves when they first met.

best friend

Masumi's best friend. They used to spend all their time together, but Masumi doesn't like Chikari's other friend much...


Chikari's friend. Masumi got into a messy misunderstanding with him and holds a grudge against him.