


5 years, 14 days ago


Can I Call You Tonight?

01 — Profile

Name Bellatrix
Nicknames Bella, Trixie
Age 18
Gender Female (she/her)
Height 5'1
Birthdate 8/23
Species Cat
Oriet. Lesbian
Occupation College Student

Status NFT
Designer azula
Worth $173
  • Her hair is almost always in a ponytail.

  • Her ears are rounded, not pointy.

02 — Personality

Bellatrix is a young witch and is considered a prime example of a honorable and good student. Being presented as a serious, composed, and erudite girl, she's very focused and dedicated when it comes to her studies. Bellatrix constantly pushes herself to excel. To her, there is always room for improvement, and she can't stand the notion that she may have under-performed at something.

She's self-disciplined and quite responsible for someone her age, but her dedication is not always as healthy as she believes it to be, given the fact she's often referred to as a workaholic by the people around her. Bellatrix finds it hard to make time for others as she tends to be so caught up in her duties to the point of exhaustion.

Bellatrix can unintentionally come off as callous, condescending, or even arrogant due to her headstrong nature and tendency to scold those she believes to be in the wrong. She's self-assured and not timid by any means when it comes to expressing what she believes to be right. Despite her stubborn attitude, she is genuinely goodhearted and cares deeply for the well-being of her colleges, always there to encourage them on their studies and making sure they're fitting in.

She has great trouble expressing her own feelings, especially when she believes she'll be showing any signs of vulnerability or be seen as weak. She worries a lot about her self-image and is afraid to disappoint others if she shows the true parts of herself. The constant pressure of having to be best seems to be a huge weight of her shoulders. As a result, Bellatrix has a habit of bottling her emotions.


  • learning

  • astronomy

  • cute things

  • junk food


  • yelling

  • spicy food

  • failure

  • closed spaces

03 — Background

Ever since primary school, Bellatrix has always been the ideal student. Perfect grades, perfect behaviour. When her grades were anything but, she would be scolded. She was always held to a very high standard and things stayed that way all the way to college. She currently attends Saint Florence's College for the Magically Gifted and studies spellcasting.

Things had been uncomfortable with her and her parents when she figured out she was a lesbian and came out to them. "You're just confused, don't say that". They kicked her out of their house and she'd been living on her own since. Bellatrix felt empty, like everything she did for their approval her entire life was for nothing. She continued to do her best in school, but wondered what it was really for.

One day she came across Masumi smoking behind the school building during break. Bellatrix was quick to speak up and they quickly got into an argument. Though Masumi stomped off afterward, she showed up at the same place, same time. This repeated until one day where Masumi wasn't smoking, and was simply sitting dejected with her head in her hands. They ended up talking and found they were very similar. Every day they would meet behind the school building and share problems or details about their day.

04 — Trivia

  • Bellatrix keeps her hair in a ponytail almost always because it annoys her when it gets in her face.

  • She rarely goes outside other than to attend college and to pick up groceries.

  • She mostly lives on microwavable meals.

05 — Relationships

love interest

A prickly girl who Bellatrix found behind the school once. They originally got off on the wrong foot but get along well now.

