


2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Swarmy

Series: Animals

Age: ???

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Celedon

Favorite Food: Fried fish

Element: Dark/Electric

Powers: Levitation, electric shocks, very sharp teeth, and the ability to make anything sparkle.

Catch Phrase: "I was exiled before it was cool."

Likes: Fashion, making lots of friends, hats, sparkles, learning new things, stories with happy endings, and staying positive.

Dislikes: Violence, his home planet's obsession with conquering planets, scaring people, sad stories, and dark magic.

Personality: Unlike most Celedons, Swarmy is friendly and outgoing, and is always looking for new friends. He dislikes fighting and goes out of his way to avoid any sort of violence. Swarmy is very interested in fashion and loves making hats to share with the universe. He's aware that many are afraid of Celedons due to their reputation, and is very quick to express his dislike of his home planet's emphasis on conquering planets. He's very open about his past and will open up about being exiled from home to complete strangers. Despite it all, he does his best to maintain a positive mindset and smile.

Home: Whatever planet lets him hang out on (formerly the Celedon Empire)

History: Swarmy was born and raised in the Celedon Empire. From a young age, his elders attempted to teach Swarmy the basics of being a Celedon: conquering planets and eating the people on them. However, Swarmy had no interest in this and instead enjoyed befriending the locals. During his time on other planets, Swarmy became interested in fashion, particularly hats, often asking the locals to teach him how to make his own hats. Unfortunately, the Celedon Empire did not take kindly to Swarmy's friendly and pacifist nature, and when several attempts to "correct" his behavior failed, he was exiled from the Celedon Empire. In an attempt to keep positive, Swarmy decided to search for a new home where he could make lots of friends and design hats.

Current-Bio: Swarmy can be found all over the place in the galaxy, usually selling hats. In the story proper, the heroes encounter him on the Nympian Empire's home planet.

Meta-History: The initial concept for Swarmy was from 2015 A Fabulous Alien Invading Your Planet His design was a bit different and he originally was a galactic conqueror. I was still developing my idea for the Celedons, trying to figure out what I wanted this weird floating space-squid alien race to be. I eventually figured out that I want them to have three eyes (so the original design had to be changed). I also decided to make Swarmy an outlier from his fellow Celedons, as he doesn't share their violent nature and instead wants to befriend others in the galaxy. I never actually had a name for him until making this bio. For some reason "Swarmy" kept coming up when I was trying to think of names so I just went with it.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Nui: As a fellow Celedon, Swarmy dislikes Nui for embracing the violent reputation that their species is known for.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.