Muunokhoi Kha's Literatures

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence

Skye and I are both over 25, and so are the majority of the characters we’ll be writing for this project. We don’t intend to write anything overtly explicit, but we won’t be ignoring adult themes (such as alcohol/drug use, sex or sexual inclinations, and combat violence) as they occur naturally. 

Please be mindful of the individual Author’s Notes at the beginning of each entry, as I’ll be warning in advance if any mature themes are involved!

A collection of all the entries I’ll be writing for Moen Moen’s FFXIV 30-Day Writing Challenge of 2021! Some entries will be written solo, others will be written collaboratively with Skye. ‼️⚠️ PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PROJECT IS NOT SPOILER-FREE as we’ll be writing stories from all over the FFXIV canon, all the way up to Patch 5.55! ⚠️‼️ Check out the challenge’s carrd for more info!