Jury ' Wildcat '



2 years, 8 months ago


Personality Description: 

[Cavalry Scouts troop] Reconnaissance ground trooper appears to be quite analytical and diabolical. A proud trooper that is used to examining things from afar and evaluating circumstance in order to take the best advantage of them. This has been observed since they were an adolescent, a broken jaw was the result of this careful, cold natured behaviour. Even at disadvantage, this one appears to take the best in situations for the best course of action. Although being ruthless is one of their traits, they won't hesitate to run if aware of fight that they cannot win. Noted that this subject will not throw itself to impulses.

During Jury's younger years he had attempted to flee from a opponent which lead to him breaking his jaw off a cliff. Now in new territory absent of that opponent he adapted to combat without the use of his jaws,it was a surge of confidence where he made another futile attempt to take on a larger opponent. That was one fatal mistake he would remember for the rest of his life, costing him his eye and his tail. Beaten, broken and bleeding, through a miracle he survived. Open wounds formed into scar tissue, those days where he fought to survive due to such wounds taught him a important lesson; live smart. 

Physical Description: 

Jury's tail stops pretty short thanks to genetics, although he is incredibly lean and muscular alike his father. His main muscle mass is around his chest, legs and arms, due to the fact he had injured his jaw in his early years. Allowing him to adapt more capable arms and legs, then simply using his jaws. During that time of confidence of not using his bite, he made a unforgettable mistake which cost him his tail along with his left eye.