Executioner ' Ove the Foul '



2 years, 11 months ago


Personality Description: 
[Cavalry Scouts troop] Reconnaissance ground trooper appears be heavily reliant on another raptor, which is in fact the subject's brother. Fights appear to break out between the two, but a simple sparring. Even in close death situations this subject keeps a calm demeanor unless their relative family has been provoked this one should not be encountered as they will be highly aggressive. This one appears to be tamed by food easily, subject. Judge has a habit of teasing this one with food.

Taken on the brutal nature of his father, Ove lacks any empathy for other creatures other then his own family. He can be incredibly calm in heated situations, the only thing that would make him snap would be the endangerment of his own family. This will lead to volatile primal outburst from him in response. Being the largest of his siblings he was the prime target for sparing, bearing many scars from the constant fighting with his own siblings and potentially others. He is known for his impulsive streak who is wrought with internal struggles. He is incredibly built and ferocious as a fighter and a bloodthirsty conqueror who never backs-down from a fight that even in a wounded state. However, at times he can be seen as being a bit of a lonely character who just wants to be loved and admired. He has a love/hate relationship with Tor everyone always admired his brother and him just being the shadow. He just wants a taste of some of that limelight, at times he can be quite impatient due to this and his jealousy can blind him. Although he relies on Tor, his brother's quick wit and manipulative nature to pull through and stay alive. 

Physical Description: 

He is a heavy set utah, that's very built under the thick feathers. Somewhat towers over majority of utahraptors.