The Farm Boy



2 years, 8 months ago


Age at death: 19
Pronouns: he/him
Species: human
Height: 5'7"

The farm boy was a relatively average 19 year old living with his widowed mother on their plot of land and helping to tend to the animals that inhabited it. He was a massive mamas boy, having grown up without his father and admiring his mother and wanting to be like her. He trusted her opinions and spoke to her when he felt insecure, knowing she would be able to make things right. He got teased by his peers a bit for it but he was a nice boy who looked out for others so the ribbing didn't often stray from playful jabs... Though of course there were some who just found him unpleasant, he tried not to take it personally but he often did in private as he was a sensitive sort and highly protective of his mother.

He saw the good in others and always tried to treat others how he would want to be, even if he didn't completely understand where the other  person was coming from he would do his best to listen and learn. He was the type to defend strangers from unfair criticism, especially since he was sensitive to it himself and knew how it stung to have something harmless of yours made fun of! His gentle but bright nature made him popular with his "misfit" peers and many adults in his life. He had a weakness for pretty girls was easily manipulated a bit by them, generally just into doing work for free or errands since if he had a crush on somebody he'd want to help them out in whatever way they wanted. He never had an actual relationship but he wanted to follow in his mom's footsteps and have a family of his own one day. He liked to practice being a father with the baby animals on the farm and took exceptionally good care of them, something his mother was proud of. He treated animals in general like family rather than property. He was a crybaby and a bit of a coward but he tried his best to work through his perceived faults to be a good man one day.

Unfortunately he didn't get the chance, he was ultimately used to make Chimera, they were given his head. His mother doesnt know what happened to him, even now.