The Farm Boy (shedim au)



2 years, 2 months ago


Au for Skeletondoggy's setting :) for fun, to explore different aspects of their personalities and an excuse for me to indulge in monstery designs for them <3

(re-heads your boy)

Height: 6'0"
Magic specialty: passive ability, has poor control over it but its not very strong so its not an issue, he can convey his emotions to others but only one way, like a reverse empath, the stronger the emotion the less control he has over who feels it and how much, cant really make use of it since he cant make himself feel a certain way on command

Main differences for farm boy:
-hes the same age as chimera so hes technically a farm man (mid 40s, older than hunter)
-no farm because those dont exist as we know them in this setting but he runs a textile shop with his parents
-has strong regenerative ability and a decentralized nervous system like a starfish
-seen as kind of embarrassing due to his cowardice, even more so than human version
-tries not to be bothered by it but super is
-very insecure about his looks and spends a great amount of time on grooming (parents help even as an adult)
-has no hard feelings against chimera(mainly because they killed the guy who decapitated him so w/e), is friends/ casual sibling type platonic relationship with them, but doesnt see them often since theyre nomadic
-very animalistic in his behaviors, very creature, will climb you if you wont think its rude
-crybaby but not as noticeable because the tears blend in with his fur
-not only a mamas boy but is also incredibly clingy with his father even as an adult, though he tries to be more independent (is bad at this)


Being born to parents who actively wanted to raise him, farm boy managed to avoid the hardships that most young shedim experience as they mature. In order to keep him safe in the best way they knew his parents sheltered him a bit leading him to somewhat lonely as he grew older. He sought more freedom as a teenager and his mother and father reluctantly granted it, which was a good thing for him for a while. Hes clever and good at adapting to social situations for the most part, and his magic specialty helps disarm or soothe others around him. While hes eager to help and eager to socialize, others can be a bit offput by him or consider him a bit embarrassing to associate with, which did a number on his self esteem when he was younger. Just when he was getting over it and feeling more confident in his ability to work in his parents shop weaving textiles and shearing customers he was attacked by Mad Alchemist, seeking to harvest his head for his creation. Despite the decapitation, farm boy survived the encounter through his regenerative ability, which he was unaware of (and another reason why his parents are protective of him, as regenerative shedim can be targeted at times for food plant jobs or black market abduction) but was left with a shaken sense of security and self image issues.

With time and maturity he began to recoup from his experience though hes a lot more cautious now, giving him the reputation of a coward. He does his best to not let that get to him though, and earnestly really enjoys working with his parents and socializing with clients. He has a rather regular flow of shedim who like him specifically taking care of their fur since when hes relaxed the other person also gets a sense of calm or same if hes in a good mood (which he usually is!). Though despite being well liked in a sort of cleaner fish way he lacks a lot of actual friends. Another thing he struggles a bit with socially is the dating pool so to speak. He very much wants to have a family like his own, but whenever he becomes interested in someone theres a chance that his own infatuation will influence the other shedim and he doesnt want that, but when someone is interested in him first they often arent as serious as he wants to be or have other ulterior motives.. But he tries to be optimistic and let it happen naturally. Overall he does his best to balance his reputation with his desires and how they conflict socially, he doesnt want to be considered an eccentric outsider, so he tries to skirt conformity, hes a happy guy though even if things are a bit tricky sometimes!


MiM- VERY close with his mama, he has done his best to get better with being independent especially after relying on her a lot during his more reclusive period after the decapitation but still at the end of the day feels better when he talks with her about things going on while shes brushing his fur and giving her own insight or even just listening. He is very appreciative that she listens to his concerns and let him spread his wings so to speak even though he knows she worries( and for good reason!). Whenever he needs an outside opinion on someone he tends to ask her but does take her thoughts with a grain of salt.. shes a lot more suspecting and cold than he is but sometimes he knows he needs to hear that. All in all much like his canon counterpart he REALLY looks up to his mom and wants to be just like her, cool, confident, loving and resourceful. Which as an adult hes partially there! But is just. more dorky than she is lol.

His dad- Just as close with his father but for different reasons, he and his dad are birds of a feather and chronic bleeding hearts. His dad will hear out farmboy and tends to give more emotionally intelligent responses or perspectives, or can help sympathize with the difficult decisions or conflict rather than not quite understanding the issue at hand. He is less about giving direct solutions or comfort and more about letting his son come to his own conclusions which farmboy appreciates as he feels his dad trusts his judgement a bit more than his mom (though he understands she means well.. but its still nice to have that faith). He also just likes spending time with his dad during errands or chores and joking around with him. Farmboy is honestly kind of protective of his dad, knowing hes more sensitive than he leads on, a trait he shares with his mother.

Chimera- The two got off to a rocky start, farmboy not being one to be a pushover even if he IS polite and got quite angry seeing the shedim who he assumed stole his head and caused him and his parents so much trouble, but upon confronting them he realized he had made a mistake. They apologized for the actions of their father and seemed quite... haunted about something, farmboy couldnt help but extend a helping paw so to speak. He sort of assumed a big brother role quickly and took them under his wing, something that felt REALLY fulfilling to him since they didnt think of him badly for his care and in fact seemed really comforted by it. Even now he keeps an eye out for them and likes when they visit, he does consider them a little sibling of sorts.