

Name Altair
Called Altair
Age Unkown; several million years
Gender Non-Binary
SpeciesExtraterrestrial Shapeshifter
Role content
Pronouns Any, but prefers they/them
Theme Song link

The physical body is one's self-expression. It's a work of art, a sculpture that can be molded to perfection if desired. Altair is a shining beacon of this example, a creature whose virtues are based on extreme pride and elegance. So obsessed with the physical side of beauty, Altair aspires to create an impeccable form for themselves and believes others should have to earn the privilege to know their true form. Because of this, they primarily roam in a cloaked version of themselves. They also believe to see the beauty in others, both internal and external. However, it's obvious that they're more drawn to those who are equally as obsessed with vanity as themselves. The glass ornaments that hang from their backpiece hold a mysterious, shimmering light. However, exactly what exactly this substance is remains unclear, and exactly what Altair themself is also remains unclear. Altair is a passionate storyteller with a love for the performance, they relish in captivating an audience's attention and for this they fancy themselves to be a bit of a thespian. However, their ornate exterior obscures a dark secret.


  • Jewelry
  • Fine arts
  • Elegance
  • Performing
  • Humanity
  • Theater
  • Opera


  • Carelessness
  • Being ignored
  • Garish colors


It is unknown precisely what Altair is. 'Alien' would be the most accurate term, but even this broad label leaves many questions unanswered. No one knows what Altair's 'true' form is, although they clearly seem to prefer presenting themselves as humanoid. Still, there are many features that strike fellow humans as odd. Eyes that are perhaps a smidge too big, skin a little too perfect. The twelfth brightest star shining in our night sky during evenings in July, Altair was a being of vanity who strived to achieve the level of brilliance they desired. This is perhaps why they fell; as a star they failed to shine bright, so they yearned to find other ways to be seen. 

just leave me your stardust to remember you by...

The precise name of Altair's species is unknown; when asked, they simply refer to themselves as a 'fallen star'. They often imply the existence of more than one of their kind -- an intergalactic race of creatures capable of great manipulation of the physical form. Their envy of stars brighter than themselves and intense interest in the lives of mortals caused them to tear away from the vast galaxy they called home. Creatures like Altair who lived for thousands of lifetimes often became infatuated with the idea of finding a beautiful ending. Death was a concept foreign to them, and indeed among the 'stars' it was seen not as something to be dreaded, but something to be celebrated. Each moment of a mortal's life was precious, for it was finite. Humans were idolized by Altair as he sought to relish the experience of living an existence that had intrinsic meaning defined by its finality. 


A pretty face can be deceiving and in the case of Altair many have fallen for this ruse. Captivated by their ethereal beauty, it was not hard for Altair to find humans willing to shower them in the admiration they desired. What happens when admiration turns to an obsession? Altair knows the answer. So infatuated with the humans whose lives they yearned for, Altair began trapping their departed souls in decorative ornaments when they perished. Most times this was of natural causes out of Altair's control, but on a few occasions they were responsible. Some thought the fallen star to be an angel or some messenger of God; a creature incapable of committing any sort of atrocities and whose existence was to serve mankind. These same individuals were often the ones that ended up as little trinkets for them, the little flames of their souls withering away encased inside a glass prison.

Although many would regard these acts as evil and depraved, Altair does not see them as such. Perhaps in spite of their humanoid appearance, they lacks the fundamental characteristics that define humanity. Humans are objectifiable, no more important nor significant than a fine piece of jewelry. 



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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