


6 years, 9 months ago





Gendertom (he/him)

"A broad-shouldered gray tom with a white underbelly; has a large scar on one shoulder and a nick in his right ear."


A loyal warrior, Sharkfang is highly respected by most of the cats in MistClan. Though he fights like a lion, he's a gentle giant outside of battle, and is incredibly cheerful and friendly despite his gruff appearance. He can sometimes be a bit lazy about some of his tasks around camp or on patrol, but never if anything serious is at stake, or at least so he tries. He's very lax, but he's also a curious cat, and tends to do things how and when he wants to. He loves to swim- if he's not on patrol or hunting, he can usually be found on the beach or in the shallows of the pond. 


Sharkfang is a large cat with medium length gray fur. His underbelly is white, and faint darker grey markings can be seen on his pelt in the right light. He has amber eyes. On his left shoulder, he has a large scar, and there is a nick in his right ear.   


Gullpaw - Sharkfang's daughter. He loves her dearly, and hopes to see her succeed - he was overjoyed that she chose to stay with him in MistClan, and is incredibly proud of her progress as Featherstar's apprentice. 

Featherstar - Clan leader and Sharkfang's ex-rival. Growing up, their relationship was strained as they competed to be the best in MistClan. Their relationship has improved since Featherstar became deputy, and the two of them are now friends. He has an unspoken respect for her for having the drive that he doesn't, and for her devotion to the clan. 

Lilysplash - Sharkfang's sister. 

Puddletail - Sharkfang's mother. 

Molly (kittypet) - Sharkfang's ex-mate. He was in love with her, but his heart belonged in MistClan. They parted on good terms, but no longer see each other. 

Missy and Smoky (kittypets) - Sharkfang's children. He doesn't see his kittypet children very often, which he regrets, but they're happier with their housefolk, so he doesn't interfere. 


Born to a long line of MistClan warriors, Sharkkit was always expected to do great things. He and his sisters, Lilykit and Dunekit, were visited often by their father and other senior warriors. Sharkkit, especially, seemed to have the makings of a strong warrior. 

Once he was made an apprentice, however, Sharkpaw had little motivation for training; he would rather fool around in the pond or explore the beach than work on hunting or practicing battle moves. This caused a lot of frustration among the warriors of the clan, especially his father Wavecrash, who was also his mentor. The more pressure put on him, the more he tried to avoid training, which made him a very difficult apprentice, especially with Wavecrash's high expectations. 

One day, Wavecrash followed after Sharkpaw to find him for training, and the two were ambushed on the beach by a small band of rogue cats. Sharkpaw and Wavecrash were both injured, and Wavecrash nearly died. He realized then that he had to take things more seriously, and he started to turn himself around. He became more respectful of the warrior code, and began to actually put some effort into his training, rather than completely ignoring it. He was a natural warrior, and steadily proved himself to be a strong member of the clan. Froststar gave him the name Sharkfang for his fierceness in battle. 

Stemming from his irresponsibility as an apprentice and the attention given to him by the clan as a whole, Sharkpaw was the recipient of a mostly one-sided rivalry between him and the younger cat Featherpaw. Featherpaw was strongly devoted to training, and detested how lax he was with the warrior code. She became determined to best him despite being a few moons younger than him, and she carried the rivalry into her early warrior years. 

Froststar's deputy, Whitewing, was very supportive of Sharkfang, praising him for his strength and skills in battle. Once Sharkfang started applying himself in training and became a warrior, Whitewing began to vet him as a potential candidate for deputy, and soon convinced himself of Sharkfang's qualifications, despite the younger Featherflight's devotion and effort. When Whitewing was forced to retire due to illness, Froststar was torn between the younger, more devoted Featherflight, and the naturally talented but lax Sharkfang. However, Whitewing recommended Sharkfang, and Froststar trusted her deputy's decision. However, when Sharkfang was offered the position of deputy, he turned it down, as he didn't feel suited to the responsibility that came with it. Featherflight was named deputy instead.

Under Featherstar's leadership, Sharkfang is content as a senior warrior. He is usually the warrior who teaches all of the apprentices how to swim, since other warriors tend to avoid it, so he's sort of a big brother to the apprentices in training. 


  • It's thought that Sharkfang's lineage traces back to the first ever leader of MistClan. 
  • When Sharkfang refused the position of deputy, he and his father, Wavecrash, became estranged. They never truly repaired their relationship, though they were on speaking terms when Wavecrash passed away. 

profile html by Hukiolukio