arvo teurä



2 years, 8 months ago


Arvo Juho Teurä
23 [18xx/11/13]
trans man (ambivalent)
gray-ace (probably)

Having spent most of his short life locked in a cage and treated like an animal, Arvo's mindset is heavily marred by his experiences. In his mind, cruelty is a method to survive, one which humans have perfected in order to climb to the top of the grand hierarchy of nature. Once given an opportunity to either escape as a creature 'destined to suffer', or adopt the form of one of the poachers who imprisoned him, he did not hesitate long before choosing the latter.

Arvo believes that weakness is never to be shown, and as such, will often pretend to be more knowledgeable and competent in things than he really is - whether or not he actually cares about them is irrelevant. While a lot of his public persona is an act, an act which changes depending whether or not he considers himself subordinate to another, he is stubborn and genuine when it comes to his ways of seeing the world. A lot of his (relative) stability hinges upon them, and if he were to recognise any fault, it could break him entirely. So, he chooses not to.

Folke / ...friend?

A human which seemingly contradicted the system which Arvo had so meticulously put together, he began interacting with Folke in an effort to figure out how he fits into it. Though he may not know it - he grows to value the human as something more than a thing to observe.

karoliina / "aunt" and coworker

Burdened by having to play the part of her nephew, Arvo's behaviour towards her has strained their relationship. He believes that her concern for him is a "strategy" to rid Jägarlyan of him... the 'getting rid of' part of which he's not entirely wrong about.

Alfred / boss

Arvo feels both immense fear and reverence for the human, who is, to him, the "apex predator", a very embodiment of the worldview which he values so highly. In a way, he almost superimposes a father figure onto Alfred, and thus, he does whatever possible to appeal to him.

Felice / coworker (begrudgingly)

If there was one thing which Arvo and the human Arvo shared, it was their mutual distaste for Felice. He's easily affected by her attempts to get on his nerves, and puts up with it by trying to hide it because of his recognition that she's respected by Alfred.


While he is transmasc, his human form is "cis" due to how basilisk shapeshifting works. His basilisk form's sex is female.

His basilisk form is smaller and weaker than average due to inadequate living conditions for most of his life. He has poor eyesight in sunlight in this form as well for the same reason. Thus, even if he didn't have his... issues, he would mostly prefer his human form.

Arvo has a habit of tapping his finger on things when deep in thought... or, if something simply annoys him. His movements tend to be quite still, similar to those of a heron - calculated and careful. He also has a tendency to stare without shame.

The world is cruel. Humans are cruel. They are cruel for a reason. They must be.