folke granholm



2 years, 8 months ago


Folke Ivar Granholm
The Granholm wraith
24 [18xx/12/03]
trans man
gay demisexual

To most, Folke comes off as an intimidating figure, eerily quiet and towering over most people around him, appearing rarely but regularly in the town of Vätterunda much like a ghost. Not only this, he seemingly runs an entire farm by himself - causing many in the town to believe that he is some sort of vätte or spirit.

In truth, Folke is fully human - and once interacted with, his lack of security in himself is crystal clear. He is painfully aware of his reputation and it is not helped by his inability to navigate social situations well - to strangers, he almost resembles a frightened animal in conversation. However, when he begins to find his feet with the other, he can actually come off as rather grounded and calm in a way that's almost infectious. Folke is actually quite keen on conversation about things that interest him, with his tendency to introspect (perhaps a bit too much) fueling this interest... however, his reputation and mannerisms prevent him from building many new relationships to have those conversations with.

Well, until recently, that is.

Arvo / friend

Arvo's unusual approach to him struck Folke so significantly that his usual fear and apprehension made way for curiosity. Folke finds Arvo's earnest intruige towards him refreshing and is, in a way, just as curious about him.

adrian / "brother"

Through circumstance, Adrian ended up becoming a brotherly figure to Folke. Despite that, however, Folke holds complex feelings towards him - Adrian is a living reminder of traumatic events Folke has experienced, and there's not much either can do about it.

Selma / "sister"

Similarly to Adrian, Selma has become a sisterly figure to Folke - and perhaps because of the fact that her involvement with a certain past event is less... direct, the same complexities, while still there, are less present.

Gullmar / "uncle"

Gullmar has, ever since Folke was very young, always been present around him - and would become even moreso after a certain past event. As Folke lacked a healthy father figure, he quickly attached that to Gullmar, who gladly took on that role... without making that too obvious to him.


Folke is autistic. Two big special interests of his include woodcarving and nature (including its fauna). Because of his autism he also has an affinity for schedules and therefore is very punctual.

His mannerisms are careful and he approaches most people as if he's making a deliberate attempt not to startle. He very often fidgets with things, especially if nervous - he will likely run a hand around his neck, or fiddle with his hair and/or clothing sleeves in those instances.

Enjoys cooking and is pretty good at it!

Owns chickens at his farm. The breeds that he owns include both Bohusläns-dals svarthöna and Hedemorahöna.

Honestly, I think that… most of it is just… I don’t really act as one should.