Yuui Watanabe (MC) (FloYuui (WIP))



2 years, 7 months ago


Floyd x Yuui d409521202e3882472efe17959f7c5448813a8bb

"FloYuui", aka Floyd x Yuui, is the romantic relationship between Yuui Watanabe and Floyd Leech.


After Chapter 3, Yuui started to gravitate toward Floyd as his unique personality catched her attention, not to mention he was less intimidating and more easy to manage than his calculating brother Jade. Floyd also found fun to be around Yuui and decided to hang out with her for the time being. Eventually both of them become close friends as they naturally start to spend more time together during work hours and on the breaks after classes. After spending so much time together Yuui starts to develop strong feelings for Floyd, struggling at first because she was afraid of falling in love again. Eventually Yuui stops running away from her feelings and accepts them, however she decides to not confess her feelings at the moment as she's convinced Floyd is going to reject her.


Before Yuui confesses her feelings and attempted to hide her crush on Floyd, she failed miserably at hiding her exciment when he was around as she tried too hard to look unfazed and ironically ended up looking more tense and nervous. She also couldn't help to look at him fondly sometimes. All of this is missunderstood by Floyd as Yuui being intimidated by him, which he at first found amusing and oftenly teased her to see her "scared" reactions, not knowing that in reality Yuui was just trying her best to not jump and kiss him.

After Yuui accidentally confesses to Floyd in a moment of impulssiveness, Floyd became too aware of Yuui's presence and became unusually timid when she smiled at him or touched him. Yuui's confession also made Floyd realize he indeed had a crush on her too, however he pretended to not be interested and rejected her right away. He was convinced he would got over his crush eventually as he felt being in love was troublesome and didn't want to feel even more attachment towards Yuui. His crush however only became stronger and no matter how hard he tried to ignore Yuui, he couldn't help to find her very attractive even when she did the most simplistic actions. While Yuui tried her best to bury her feelings so Floyd and her could come back to normal, Floyd was struggling with his feelings for Yuui. Even though Jade suggested Floyd to date Yuui just to get over his crush, Floyd refused cause Yuui was serious about her feelings and he didn't find fun to see his "shrimpy" crying; when Jade questions him "Oh? That's rare... Why is not fun to see her cry?", Floyd has no more option than admitting that his feelings for Yuui might be deeper than he thought, so he finally surrenders to his love feelings and stops scaping; attempting to kill his crush on her was resulting far more troublesome and annoying than simply giving in.  

When Floyd and Yuui become a couple, Floyd at first is annoyed that Yuui finds him cute, but he quickly changes his mind and in fact he takes advantage of that to persuade/manipulate Yuui when he wants; he simply has to rest his face on Yuui's chest and make puppy eyes and she would do whatever he wants. 

Even though Yuui tries to give Floyd his space when he's in a sour mood, she also attempts sometimes to lighten his mood by letting him sleep on her lap while she caresses his head and hums softly, Floyd also occasionally sleeps on Yuui's lap while she's studying on the library as her touches softens his bad mood. Yuui also tries to cook takoyaki for Floyd and includes fun ingredients to make him laugh and encourages him to join her on the cooking. Even if Yuui is the one that spends the most time trying to lift Floyd's bad mood, Floyd also reciprocates this and is sure to cuddle with her when she's the one not feeling good. 

Floyd oftenly enjoys teasing Yuui as he finds her reactions to be funny and adorable, however when he attempts to tease her about her feelings for him he fails miserably as Yuui is not embarrassed to openly express how much she loves him, which results in Floyd ending up embarrassed. Yuui also gets back at Floyd for his teasing and enjoys flirting with him and making him blush with bold or corny love words.

When it comes to moments of intimacy and displays of affection, Yuui is usually the one who initiates them and takes the lead, however this doesn't mean Floyd can't take the lead as well, and when he does Yuui usually feels flustered and can't helpt to blush madly when Floyd is the one that shows affection to her. 




  • Yuui really desires that Floyd calls her by her name, since for her it would mean she's someone close/special to him. However, for the sake of teasing Yuui, Floyd only calls her by her name when she's not listening, and if she happens to listen he plays dumb and pretends he didn't do it. He thinks it's really cute Yuui wants so badly to be called by her name. 

  • On Floyd's birthday, Yuui attempted to give him a moray eel plushie with Octavinelle accesories as a birthday gift, however she was afraid her gift was too "corny" and didn't give it to him. Some time later she admits she did have a gift for him and gave him the eel plushie.

  • On Yuui's birthday, Floyd gave her a shrimp hairpin. He explained he wanted to give her something that made her think about him each time she looked at it, the hairpin also immediately reminded him of her when he saw it and that's why he decided to buy it.

  • When Yuui was struggling with her feelings for Floyd, at Lilia's advice, she decides to write a song about her feelings, 1/3 of Love. The fact this song expressed her love feelings for Floyd was supposed to be a secret for everyone else except Lilia, however Floyd eventually finds out the song is for him and when that happens he can't help to feel flustered whenever Yuui sings the song.

  • An activity they oftenly do together (even before dating) is drawing together. Floyd oftenly interrupts Yuui's art practices and they start to doodle strange cartoon characters or Yuui doodles whatever Floyd is interested in the moment. Sometimes the cartoon characters they create are parodies of people they already know. 

  • During free days, sometimes when they go together to town, they enjoy visiting interesting places or going to interesting/unique looking stores, they also enjoy buying funny or bizarre stuffs like t-shirts with funny/creative phrases, weird looking figurines or moray eel themed goods that Floyd likes to collect. 

Profile by Erandia