Taylor Bramford



2 years, 7 months ago


HHN oc!

taylor bramford is 18-21 or so years old and everyone had high hopes for her in college - after all she was the most popular girl in high school, and her grades were stellar! but ever since she graduated, it seems like taylor has been struggling to adjust with her newfound role at school: in other words, no one cares how rich or cool she is, or how many girls she’s made cry in the bathroom before. for the first time in her life, she’s basically nobody to everyone. once, she offered sexual favors in exchange for a higher grade, and not only did her polisci professor reject her, he expressed concern for her emotional well-being to be offering something like that. what the hell? she even made it into the cheer squad, but was kicked out for turning the girls against each other and starting a shit ton of drama.

taylor really misses highschool - and she figures everyone else does, on the inside! sure, everyone pretends to be satisfied with their shitty retail jobs and their boring ass classes that no one cares about, but deep down, everyone misses being a teenager and not having a care in the world!

so she started her campaign for a prom at her college! she was laughed off by pretty much everyone she brought the idea to, and told to go to a dorm party or something - but those dorm parties aren’t anything like the house parties she’s used to. it isn’t even fun, you don’t really have to hide that you’re drinking anymore!

but she isn’t that easily deterred. she has a beautiful vision and she’s willing to do whatever it takes to make sure everything is perfect. there’ll be all sorts of people at her prom - the beautiful and popular, the awkward and nerdy, the goths, the theater kids, and plenty of hot guys! … whether they want to be there or not. she’s got plans for a night nobody‘ll ever forget! (idk she tortures and kills people or whatever)