Basic Info


Otto (Gearloose)


Male, he/him.






4'2" (4'7" if he stands on tippy-toes!).


Space Lagomorph ('Californian' variant).


Spaceship mechanic/engineer, specializes in vintage models. Restores spare parts found in junkyards to resell them.


Very intelligent and capable of fixing things in record time. Thanks to his feral-like legs, Otto has a MEAN kick and is a fast runner, though low stamina. He also has a frightening good aim and won't hesitate to throw his trusty wrench at whoever is bothering him.


Due to losing his guardians at an early age, Otto became a quiet and reclusive young man, usually feeling more comfortable being on his own while working on his latest projects. He is a brilliant mechanic, able to fix just about anything that is placed in his workshop, although his specialty lies in vintage spaceship models. 

Otto likes entering junkyards and rummaging through them, as there is a good chance he'll find valuable spare parts to sell. He collects and restores whatever he finds to sell it at a higher price, but sometimes he keeps some parts for himself. 

Despite liking to be on his own, he actually has a little friend: A pet spider named Spoopie, who's as smart and loyal as a dog! 

Running his business was alright for a while until he moved planets and began to look for a new place to set his workshop. In the middle of doing so, he entered a junkyard he believed was abandoned, only to find an older lago that tried to chase him out. In a shocking turn of events, they discovered they were related, and before he knew it, Otto moved in to help the man run his own business- wouldn't you know it, mechanics runs in the family.

Now living with his grandfather, Otto is slowly learning to trust others, and showing off his personality more- on the outside he's sassy, a 'no-nonsense' type of guy, yet a loyal companion... on the inside, he's insecure, but loving. Only time will tell if he'll manage to express his feelings more...

How he met his grandfather:

Life with Trinket: