Stephanie Edwin



2 years, 7 months ago


Stephanie Edwin



Name Stephanie Edwin
Sex Cis Female
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Birthday July 4th, 2000
Sexuality Lesbian
From New Zealand
Height 5'2/157cm
Eye Color Left Eye: Blue | Right Eye: Brown
Occupation Park Ranger

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."


Early Life

Stephanie Aroha Edwin was born on July 4th, 2000 to Shirley Edwin and Piripi (Philip) Edwin. The young couple brought Stephanie up on farm land in Whatawhata, New Zealand consisting of over 50 acres of land to their name. They built up a business which caused the small family to not worry about money. Stephanie was born with heterochromia, a trait in which a person has two different colored eyes. The couple thought nothing of it until Stephanie was 6 months old and she began to develop symptoms of Congenital glaucoma due to these differing eyes. The treatment was fairly successful but the development of the condition was abnormally high, causing Stephanie to have Photophobia (Light Sensitivity). Since the damage was already done, Stephanie's parents had to adjust to their daughter's new conditions. Keeping the lights dim in order for her to sleep, saving for perception glasses that she will need in the future, that kind of stuff.

As Stephanie got older the young couple wanted to continue to grow their family as money was the reason they did not want to start a family yet, but Stephanie was a surprise. At the end of Stephanie's 5th birthday her parents surprised her with the fact that they were going to have an addition to the family. At first Stephanie did not like it and declared it was her worst birthday ever, as a child is to do on impulse but as time went on she grew to love the idea of another body in the house. Good thing she was, cause 3 years later there were a total of 4 children running around the Edwin household. The siblings ended up being 2 older girls and the youngest being a boy.

2013-2020: Raising siblings

As Stephanie got older her parents got busier. Not having as much time to parent and spending that time on running their business. There would be multiple nights in a week when 13 year old Stephanie would have to figure out dinner for her siblings, cleaning the house, helping with homework, and many other parental chores. Eventually, the Edwin parents would not return from their administrative positions at their business and would opt to sleep in the office that was built on the other end of the property. Stephanie struggled for the first year of completely raising her siblings on her own. Money was no issue, thanks to their parents leaving credit cards for them to use but the money wasn't the issue. It was the abandonment that lingered in the back of Stephanie's mind. There was little time to even think about being upset or furious with her parents, Stephanie had to take care of her siblings.

This continued for several years, Stephanie's parents barely even noticing or saying hi to her or their other children whenever they damned to return to their homestead. For the first few months Stephanie poked and prodded trying to get her parents to actually be her parents but it was futile. They had moved on, so Stephanie had too as well. Stephanie taught herself to drive at age 16 and picked up odd jobs during the summer so in case the card she used from her parents stopped working she would have a backup plan. Whenever her siblings asked her where their parents were she would make excuses for them and cover, trying to make their view of their parents did not get tainted like her own. She would continue to be her siblings only parental figure for the next 7 years, where an opportunity to work in the United States took her interest, with support from her family Stephanie took the opportunity. Stephanie did not abandon her siblings however, like her parents did before her. She setup special Facetime call times with each sibling and would set aside minimum an hour a day to talk to each of them. During this time she would check on them, their homework, if their new Nanny was treating them well, etc.

2020-Present: Career

Stephanie had always been an outdoors kind of person. In her limited free time she would often go on hikes or go offroading on her motorbike she bought herself when the funds eventually allowed for it. So an opportunity to work in the Parks department in the great city of Los Santos was exactly up her alley. The offer came from a kid at a camp she counseled for one year that she brought her siblings too. One of the other camp staff was a foreigner looking for new talent outside of the states as quote "We [America] have been sucked bone dry." With Stephanie's outstanding knowledge of nature and total passion for it she won a job immediately and was quickly allowed into the department and the States...



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Maecenas consequat volutpat sapien. Nulla scelerisque consequat eleifend. Nam at lectus mattis, semper ante et, mollis libero. Maecenas fringilla rutrum molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc finibus non tortor sit amet ultricies. Aenean tempor libero eget faucibus tempor. Sed rhoncus, libero ut gravida sollicitudin, nulla lorem posuere nisl, in pretium tortor dui commodo libero.


Donec maximus tincidunt purus, id luctus ante tincidunt id. Vivamus vitae molestie libero. Aenean sagittis felis nec massa tincidunt bibendum. Sed in mi sagittis, mollis urna dapibus, accumsan eros. Praesent feugiat tortor at magna dictum interdum. Sed sit amet nisl at felis pharetra efficitur sed in ex. Donec tempus mollis ligula vitae posuere. Cras fermentum est eu urna iaculis feugiat. Integer eget dui sed nunc maximus efficitur vitae sed sapien. Curabitur ac facilisis mauris. Etiam tellus elit, facilisis nec risus sit amet, blandit volutpat augue. Nulla non ultricies risus, id vehicula arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc sodales semper tortor, ut posuere dui ullamcorper ut. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.