


6 years, 8 months ago


Maverick Dimitriou
September 29th (Libra)
American (white)
Lanky and broad-shouldered
Defense attorney


80s goth music

Getting more than 3 hrs of sleep


Learning things

Failure/seeming incompetent

Being reminded of his goth phase

Being tired


Overly pushy people

he's extremely embarrassed about having been goth, because he thinks that like... no good lawyer would've been goth. he has no pictures of himself from like.. when he was 11 to 18, because he doesn't want anyone to ever find out.

he's only dated one person in his life, because now he doesn't feel like he has time for romance. in reality he's pretty lonely... but he's just a little nervous about relationships.

he had his nose pierced as a teenager, as well as a lot of piercings in his ears.

he still has all his goth clothes, he can't bring himself to get rid of them.. he still wears his old band shirts when he's relaxing at home.

he has kind of a baby face... he looks pretty much the same as he did when he was 18ish. he gets carded every time he goes to a bar, and they always really look hard at his id. he's really sensitive about it. he's got a boyish face and is a little bit of a twink, and he totally hates it.

he has shaky hands most of the time, from nerves and too much caffeine.

he constantly has dark circles under his eyes.

he has naturally really half-lidded eyes... so he kinda has bedroom eyes 24/7, though it's not as bad as his brother (probably because he's not perpetually smug).

he's confused about his sexuality. he's pretty sure he's straight, and probably wouldn't admit otherwise. he's a little stupid about his feelings though.. it's totally normal to think your boss is like, really really handsome right? like, most guys should be able to appreciate someone's looks and have it not be gay, right?



[ brother ]



[ sister ]



[ boss/crush? ]


maverick is kind of a complicated guy. to most people, he's friendly and charismatic, but not overbearingly outgoing. he's got a sharp wit and a good sense of humor; he can be a little bit of a smartass but only if he knows it's ok to be. he can be a little reserved if left to his own devices, but he's not shy or anything. he's fine with being around other people and has no issues with social interactions, but he prefers to be alone. he's extremely intelligent and has a good work ethic, he's very determined to be good at what he does. he has strong morals, to the point of being a liiiittle uptight. but in general, he seems very calm and easy to get along with. in all actuality though? maverick's a frazzled mess 99% of the time. sure, he's smart and determined, but he's a workaholic to the point of exhausting himself and driving himself crazy. he wants to be good at everything, especially being a lawyer. he wants to be good at his job So Badly. and like, he is already. but he spends so much time just.. reading stuff and overworking himself even with little cases that should be easy. he strives for perfection and judges himself really harshly if he doesn't achieve it. he's always super stressed and anxious about failure and whatnot.. he feels a lot of pressure because of his family being really successful.

maverick's the second-oldest child of a successful old money family. his mom's the ceo of a super huge media conglomerate company. so really, even though he doesn't seem like it, he's obscenely rich. his job pays pretty well to begin with, and he absolutely has a gigantic trust fund. so, he's always had a pretty luxurious life, but his mom was preeeetty strict. not as much with him as his older brother, but he definitely had professionalism pounded into his brain from a young age. he got a little rebellious as a teenager, though really he was still a good little rich boy. basically, he just went goth. like, Really goth. but he had to kind of be sneaky about it, especially since his mom wouldn't let his brother be goth. so he'd just like... take his goth clothes to the mall and change there. he couldn't at school, since he went to a fancy shmancy private school, but he tried to be As Goth As Possible there. he made friends with some public school goth kids and got a cute goth gf. he kinda coasted through most of high school, still getting good grades, but not really Trying. when he was abou 17 though, he realized he really wanted to be a lawyer... so he really kicked his ass in gear and decided that a goth kid probably couldn't be a lawyer, so he changed drastically back into.... his old self i guess? his girlfriend wasn't thrilled, but he also wasn't thrilled with the fact that she was a total delinquent who liked to steal shit. he told her that if he was gonna be a lawyer he wouldn't be able to date a criminal, which pissed her off so she dumped him and he spent a whole weekend crying in his room. but he got into a good college and later a good law program, so he's ok with that.

he got an internship in a prestigious law firm (it was mostly because he's cute but he doesn't know that) and was offered a job afterwards, which he was thrilled about at the time. but over the couple of years he's worked there, he's gotten a little conflicted. he realized that... most of the other defense attorneys, even his boss, are pretty corrupt. he's really conflicted about working there, because he knows that he's really successful, especially because the firm has ties to his mom's company, but he doesn't want to also be defending criminals. plus, his boss is really great to him. he's done so much for him; networking stuff, working closely with him, etc. he doesn't realize it's because his boss wants to fuck him, but it's also because he Is talented. he just... really likes and appreciates his boss. he's also really attracted to him and they're Going to have an affair, but it's really gonna bother him that he's screwing his boss because that's like The most unprofessional thing he could possibly do. he gets over it eventually though.

"today i'm wearing a nice dark shade of exhaustion under my eyes"