


2 years, 8 months ago



Vampire Weekend

01 — Profile

Name Emiline
Nickname E.M.
Age 14
Gender ( she/her )
Height 4'11"
Birthdate 08/16
Ethnicity French/American
Oriet. Bisexual
Occupation Student

Status Alive
Designer @ designbug
Worth n / a

  • always wears massive star earrings

  • half-up with a scrunchie is her signature look

  • can read memories and emotions

  • eyes glow neon green when she uses her powers
02 — Personality

E.M. is an extrovert with ADHD - she's ALWAYS talking. She loves being active and hanging out with her friends. She's super sweet, and always puts the other person first. She's good at making friends, but not a lot of close ones.

She thinks of her hero complex as a good thing, but will save others until it kills her. E.M. doesn't think of herself as a good person when she's not able to help others.

Her friends are always there to help her when she needs it, but she hates feeling weak. They constantly remind her to nap (cause she's far too active to sleep), and whether she likes it or not they support her when she fails.


  • sugar

  • cartoons

  • jade <3

  • dandelions

  • small spaces

  • feeling weak

  • lettuce

  • the color red
03 — Background

E.M. barely talks about her childhood. It's not like it was terrible - sure, her dad kinda sucked and he eventally left, but it's a good thing that he did, right? Her mother, Marie, is an elementary school teacher. She loves E.M., and the two of them have a great relationship.

She's also super close to her cousin, Macy. Sometimes during winter or spring break she'll visit New York to stay with her and Minnie. One year, she brings Jade and the rest of the gang, and disasters ensue.

Whether she likes it or not, E.M. is smart. So much so that she is asked to attend a private school that specializes in education. There she meets Jade, Violet and Lily. She feels like she abandoned her friends back home, but they get on fine without her (she hopes).

04 — Trivia

  • Once or twice, in moments of extreme panic, only one of her eyes will glow green. This gives the illusion that E.M. has herterochromia.

  • E.M. doesn't consider herself "special" or "unique" in any way. She's very oblivious to her surroundings and has a hard time accepting she's different.

  • Her powers are the strongest out of all of her friends, and certainly the most dangerous. If E.M. wasn't so sweet, her teachers would be seriously scared.

  • She's very clumsy, and has a tendancy to walk right past disaster.
05 — Relationships


Marie Lacoure grew up in Paris, but followed her older brother to America for college. The two stayed pretty close, and when Macy, Sarah and Blake were born Marie would visit a lot. The death of her brother left her alone, and her husband leaving added to the stress she was already feeling. But she pulled herself together, and was able to grow and move on.

She and E.M. have a great relationship. The two of them are very close, and E.M. thinks her mom is the coolest. They call on the regular, and Marie always has a fun activity up her sleeve. E.M.'s friends have dubbed her the "cool mom" among the group.

Jade Yang

Jade and E.M. met on the first day of school. They were put right next door to each other, and immedietly hit it off. It took E.M. a few weeks before a bit of a crush started to grow, and E.M.'s obliviousness meant that she had no idea Jade felt the same way for months.

As you can imagine, the two of them were an awkward disaster, much to Lily and Violet's amusement.

Macy Lacoure

Macy grew up seeing her Aunt Marie all the time, and loved E.M. as soon as they met. During winter or spring break, E.M. usually stays with Macy and Minnie in New York, helping in the bakery and running around the city. One year, she brought Lily, Violet and Jade. Macy because their unhappy babysitter (Minnie thought it was cute, and knew she secretly liked it).
